Friday, December 30, 2011

Fifteen Movies in Ten Days, Day 9

Alice In Wonderland*
Archer: Season 2
Batman: The Dark Knight
Burn After Reading
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1*
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2*
Ip Man*
Sherlock Holmes*
Star Trek
Sucker Punch
True Grit*
Lucky # Slevin

Worked harder than I wanted to today. Went to Preston Art Center to pick up some canvases. Went to the bank to sign some paperwork. Went home and watched the rest of Inception. Went to mamaw's to celebrate her birfday. Came home and watched some random bowl games. Phone died (thankfully). Stayed up late watching Archer: Season 2.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Fifteen Movies in Ten Days, Day 8

Alice In Wonderland*
Archer: Season 2
Batman: The Dark Knight
Burn After Reading
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1*
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2*
Ip Man*
Sherlock Holmes*
Star Trek
Sucker Punch
True Grit*
Lucky # Slevin

Watched Red and the first half of Inception tonight with mom.

Red was a silly movie, filled with a little action and a little humor. Mom liked it. I suppose I did. I just expected more from a cast that included Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, Helen Mirren, and John Malkovich. They had fun onscreen. So I suppose it wasn't supposed to be a serious movie. It was based from a DC comic, which I did not know (or maybe I did and just didn't bother remembering).

We started watching Inception immediately after. But we stopped midway through after mom admitted she was getting tired. Inception is simply not a movie you watch when tired - you will miss "it".

Two days left, 3 1/2 movies left to go.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Fifteen Movies in Ten Days, Day 7

Alice In Wonderland*
Archer: Season 2
Batman: The Dark Knight
Burn After Reading
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1*
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2*
Ip Man*
Sherlock Holmes*
Star Trek
Sucker Punch
True Grit*
Where the Wild Things Are Lucky # Slevin

No movies watched. I worked. I hung with the boy. I watched the Cards lose. I stayed up too late playing GalCiv2.

I have decided that I do not want to watch Where the Wild Things Are. I'm moody enough as it is these days. I'm replacing it with Lucky # Slevin, an old favorite of mine.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Fifteen Movies in Ten Days, Day 6

Alice In Wonderland*
Archer: Season 2
Batman: The Dark Knight
Burn After Reading
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1*
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2*
Ip Man*
Sherlock Holmes*
Star Trek
Sucker Punch
True Grit*
Where the Wild Things Are

It was Harry Potter Tuesday with a double-feature of Deathly Hallows. I'm gonna be honest - I've enjoyed the Harry Potter films but I always leave them confused and full of questions. It wasn't a problem when my sister was just a phone call away and was still fresh with the books. But she read those years ago and isn't the fountain of Hogwart's lore that she once was.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 was a meandering film. It was the setup. It was the windup before the pitch. And it was boring. Not only did I not know what was going on with the main characters, I did not care. There was this supposed sense of urgency but I had no frame of reference on the passage of time. Of all the movies thus far, I feel this one relied heaviest on the viewer bringing their own knowledge to the movie. I am certain things of consequence were happening onscreen. As one who hasn't read the books, I just didn't know it. I do want to mention how bad ass I thought the whole sequence was explaining the story of the Deathly Hallows. It was fantastic story-telling.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 was the big payoff. It started with the same moment as the first one ended. And it was a fuckin' ride the entire time. No holds barred. This movie was exciting from start to finish. It built on the previous films and came together marvelously. I am certain it did not do the immensity of the books justice but it performed quite well on film.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Fifteen Movies in Ten Days, Day 5

Alice In Wonderland*
Archer: Season 2
Batman: The Dark Knight
Burn After Reading
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1*
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2*
Ip Man*
Sherlock Holmes*
Star Trek
Sucker Punch
True Grit*
Where the Wild Things Are

No movies were viewed today. I slept in and then spent the day with my little buddy. I took him to Gamestop and spoiled him for Christmas. Came home after spending all day at Hatler and watched the last Monday Night Football game of the season.

In other major developments, North and South Korea ratified a peace accord. Joking! However, Jooj and I have put the nastiness behind us and are moving forward again amicably. Yay for us!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Fifteen Movies in Ten Days, Day 4 (Merry Christmas)

Alice In Wonderland*
Archer: Season 2
Batman: The Dark Knight
Burn After Reading
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1*
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2*
Ip Man*
Sherlock Holmes*
Star Trek
Sucker Punch
True Grit*
Where the Wild Things Are

Over half done nearly just a quarter through!

Christmas breakfast was followed by a triple feature this afternoon: True Grit, Ip Man, and Star Trek. Mom even asked what we were going to be watching tonight before realizing that the Packers were playing the Bears tonight.

Man-o-man, the new True Grit... my friend Debes summed it up best: "instant classic." I can't wait to see it again. Jeff "Lebowski" Bridges is the fucking man.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Fifteen Movies in Ten Days, Day 3 (Christmas Eve)

Alice In Wonderland*
Archer: Season 2
Batman: The Dark Knight
Burn After Reading
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1*
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2*
Ip Man*
Sherlock Holmes*
Star Trek
Sucker Punch
True Grit*
Where the Wild Things Are

Five down, ten to go.

Spent the day with family. Met my dad's side for family time at my mamaw's house at noon. I don't know how many more people we could have fit into that house. It was packed. And that family is growing so fast I can honestly say I don't know a good deal of them any longer.

Came back home. I changed into comfy cozies. On top of eye issues and double ear infections I think I've also picked up a cold. Fantastic!

Dinner at 5:30pm with the immediate family. Presents after that. The kids (including me) were stoked. They got awesome toys. I got awesome clothes - a nice scarf, a new Polo, a very nice wool trench, and some Crocs. Melisssss also got me a cute little plush Boba Fett with a JGumbo's gift card... so thoughtful! A stocking full of candy and fruit rounded out the haul.

We had started White Christmas with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye earlier in the afternoon before watching Will Farrell's Elf (bonus Christmas movies!). So after everyone left we finished White Christmas. It was cute... for a 1954 film. After that mom, dad, and I knocked one more off my list - the Coen brother's Burn After Reading. Great film, so funny, so quirky.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Fifteen Movies in Ten Days, Day 2

Alice In Wonderland*
Archer: Season 2 (came in the mail today)
Batman: The Dark Knight
Burn After Reading
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1*
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2*
Ip Man*
Sherlock Holmes*
Star Trek
Sucker Punch
True Grit*
Where the Wild Things Are

Wrapped presents, did some laundry, and helped clean the house today. Still suffering a double-ear infection and also waging a seemingly losing battle against the eczema on my eyelids (steroids in my eyes and another steroid, which under no circumstances should touch my eyeball lest I tempt cataracts and blindness, on my lid... JEEBUS CHRISTMAS), so I thought it would be a good time to fit in one of the longer movies from the list: Avatar. I told mom and dad is was like Dances With Wolves in space. They dug it... but their little minds weren't ready for the over-3 hour director's extended cut. I think they were ready to check out after the first disc :)

Went to the UofL basketball game tonight with Debes. Had a blast, as I knew I would. I dropped off Linahan's copy of Archer: Season 2 on his desk before the game. Then after the game I snagged it and promised to deliver it this weekend.

After I got home I figured I'd sneak in another movie before bed time: Sucker Punch. I saw it in the theater and, frankly, that is probably where one should see it. It was good, and dad loved it (his favorite of the bunch so far), but it lacked the punch it delivered when viewed on the big screen (pun totes intended).

Christmas festivities begin tomorrow so I'm not sure if I'll be doing much movie viewing. Plus I promised Ger that I would log onto CoH tomorrow night. Oh, and gratz to Ger who has been promoted to Red Team leader. Go Red!!!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Fifteen Movies in Ten Days

I'm in a movie watching mood and plan on watching the following fifteen movies over the next ten days:

Alice In Wonderland*
Archer: Season 2 (pre-ordered, shipping before Christmas)
Batman: The Dark Knight
Burn After Reading
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1*
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2*
Ip Man*
Sherlock Holmes*
Star Trek
Sucker Punch
True Grit*
Where the Wild Things Are

* Denotes a movie I've never even seen

Watched Alice in Wonderland and Batman: The Dark Knight today. Several trailers came out this week - one of which was for Batman: Dark Knight Rises. That got me in the mood for The Dark Knight. Plus mom and dad hadn't seen it yet and I wanted them to see Heath Ledger in his second-to-last performance.

For the record, the other trailers were for The Hobbit, Jack the Giant Killer, Wrath of the Titans, and Prometheus. I'm pretty jazzed about all of them!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Hilurtviyscavtrwfedy p?!?!

"Will and I ate vey hilurtviyscavtrwfedy p"

What the hell does that even mean?

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Friday, December 16, 2011

Kids' Holiday Party

Emma and Babuke made it to the holiday party this afternoon and we all had a flippin' blast! We saw the Chik-fil-A cow (Luke DID NOT like the cow but eventually built up the courage to give him a high five). We made cookies. We ate the cookies. We drank Juicy Juice (100% juice, right?). We saw Santa Claus (another high five was delivered by Lukey). Emma was so patient waiting in line for a creation from the balloon guy. Luke and I ran around the office. We ate chicken. He hit up Amrita's candy cache - Reece's Pieces, M&Ms, Crunch bars, and suckers. I changed a big ol' nasty diaper in the bathroom. Luke and I rode the elevator. The balloon guy twisted up a pink elephant for Emma and a Lightning McQueen for Luke. They went home jacked up on sugar. Hopefully at some point they went asleep.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Pretty good day

Woke up with a 6am text. Fell back asleep thinking about things. Woke up and struck an accord with Jooj. Not the best deal for me but I think it will work out best for us in the long-run. Showered, shaved, dressed. Good news from the cleaners. Pay day! Productive morning. Skyline for lunch with Debes. Productive day. Left early to go to the bank. Got mortgage straightened out. Car loan didn't quite work out. Oh well. Delicious dinner of sun-dried tomatoes, asparagus, and portobello mushrooms in pasta. Mickey Mouse Club and Agent Oso. Run over to Hatler. Move some furniture. Chill with Jooj. Hug kids. Pack up a few things. Eat some pizza. Head to Best Buy. Pick up keyboard and mouse and a $10 copy of Inglorious Basterds. Come home. Talk with mom and dad. Watch football. Play Plants Versus Zombies. Nightly concert from dad. Blog. Budget. Think about what kind of desk I'm going to buy. Sleep.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Studio Move

I have my paints and brushes and jars back with me. It's not quite a full-blown studio move but it's a start. I was so inspired by the Willem de Kooning exhibit at the MoMA in NYC. I hated it that things turned out the way they did after I got back. I'd like to be back in that creative frame of mind again. I was truly ready to squeeze some creative juices out.

Ew, that came out a little gross.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Fell asleep a winner...

... but woke up a loser.

The overnight points adjustment ruined the FFL championship run for the Wyld Stallyns. Some bad coaching decisions doomed us as early as Thursday night's game. I just had so much going on that FFL was not a priority. Drats!

So while our opponent will be battling in the semi-finals the Wyld Stallyns (7-5, 1-1) will be scrapping it for third place. Can't wait 'til next year.

In other FFL news, the L'ville Gunners (4-8, 1-0) crushed their opponent over the last two-week play-off game and will be playing in the consolation brackets for fifth over the next two weeks.

I do so love FFL. But I'm always glad when it's over. Then I can stop worrying about stats and just watch some damn football.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Oh Lawd...

... won't you buy me a Mercedes-Benz?

Actually, ignore that request. I just bought one for myself tonight :)

Friday, December 2, 2011

Last post

This will be my last post for a while. The words that I write, and even the words I don't write, are being used against me.

Funny, I was just telling someone yesterday that, of all my resolutions, blogging everyday was the one I thought I would drop first. As it turns out, completing that task was well in hand.

Adios. Ciao. Bai.

80.01% | 173.53 lbs. (???.? lbs.) | 20% (10 of 50) | 91.51% (334 of 365)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Still a blur today (Great News*)

Wake up call! Will forgot his backpack. So much for sleeping in and getting a haircut. Shower. Drive to Hatler. Pick up backpack. How do you forget a backpack? Drive to St. X. Drop off backpack. Late for work. Morning tea and oatmeal. Busy, busy. Work on query. Interrupted by Infrastructure. Denial of Service attack? Bah! No way. Not from Oil. Interrupted by QA. Alert Tool down. OH CRAP! Fixed. Interrupted by hunger. Lunchtime. Bazos with Hills, Sneaks, and Amrita. Back to work. Query. Nasty query. Debes has no help (but offers a nice suggestion). Nastier query. Eddie steps in to help. Eddie steps back. Final query works but isn't that pretty. Great news*. Leave work. Pick up dry-cleaning. Change. Drive to Hatler. Grab Will. Go to Oxmoor. Go to Apple Store. No need to talk to Geniuses. Problem solved. Pick up gift. Grab Skyline. Eat. Talk with Jooj. Observant kid. Hang with Will. Watch video game play. Watch YouTube videos. Epic Rap Battles of History! Leave. Drop off blues. Would you fucking believe that it is still raining?!?!?! Drive home. Rachel texting me, trying to get me to come out. Jooj texting me, Jack fell down the steps. Just want this day to end so I can go to bed. Sweet dreams. Get home. Manscape. Shower. Finally convince Rachel that I'm not coming out. Catch up on blogging. Pack. Oh shit, it's 1:13am!

Still a blur today. I just don't feel like I'm catching up. And yet do I stop? No. No, I don't. Does something have to give? Perhaps. Not certain yet. Must. Keep. Going.

* My BFF at work put in her two-week notice last week, making this effectively her last week. Well, nothing is set in stone yet, but it appears that she may be around a wee bit longer. If things go her way, she'll be working three days a week for at least the next couple of months. With so much going on in my life - so much in flux, in motion, in a blur - it's comforting to know that I'll have one of my rock solid supports around just a wee bit longer.

80.01% | 173.53 lbs. (168.6 lbs.) | 20% (10 of 50) | 91.23% (333 of 365)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Life in Fragments

Wake up. Shower. Sneak out. Commute (Jesus, it's *still* raining?). Work. Meet. Meet. Work. Soup for lunch. Work. Work some more. Meet. Run a quick errand to the shoe shop (damn this rain). Work. Late for dinner. Change. Eat. Play. Leave (Still raining!!!). Sam's (weeknight is *the* time to go). Dog treats. Tea juice. Dog treats. Gatorade. Blueberries. Dog treats. Bacon bits. Stop by Hatler. Impromptu visit with Will. Watch video game footage. Doze off. Say good night. Drive to Target (OMG, *still* raining). Comfy cozies. Aquaphor. Trimmers. Drive home (fuck me - STILL raining). Good night!

I feel like I'm living my life in a blur right now. I live my life in fragments. I do this and I do that and I do the next thing. There is no real cohesion. Is that a bad thing? Good? I'm not sure. I don't feel like I have time to catch my breath. But is that such a bad thing right now?

I feel like I'm a good worker bee, a good step-dad-from-a-distance, a good still-technically-a-husband, a good son, a good uncle, a good friend. Or at least good enough. And that's about all I can give right now. I am giving all I've got and trying not to take any more for myself than I have to.

80.01% | 173.55 lbs. (169.4 lbs.) | 20% (10 of 50) | 90.96% (332 of 365)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Easy Day, Unbelievable Ending

Woke up early. Showered. Went down to Toast. Picked up George. Drove to the new Toast. Dropped off Cliffie. Helped clean up some leaks from the ceiling. Came back home. Switched out car. Met Kelsey at Hatler to wish her off. Ran over to Melisssss' house to feed the pets. Sounds like a busy day so far, eh? The first few hours of the day were. The next fourteen hours were easy peasy.

Sat around. Played a bit. Smiled. Relaxed. Helped with some Christmas decorations. Had some laughs. Meant to go to Trader Joe's. Drove around in the rain instead. What a gloomy day. Gloom. Glooooooooom. Had a serious talk with my BFF. Helped out around the house. Made dinner plans. Salmon, greens, and roasted sweet potatoes. DELICIOUS! And dessert? Stroopwafels!!! Are you fucking kidding me?!?!? (No, no I am not) Had a few drinks. Sat around for a bit. Chitting and/or chatting. Time got away from me.

Then I realized that I may be in trouble. The night was supposed to end with dinner. And end early. One drink led to two which may or may not have led to a third - I can't remember. Either way, the good times continued until it was getting a little too late. Since it was *supposed* to be an early evening I had left my house key at the house. Once I realized this I sped home... to a dark house with locked doors... in the cold... in the rain... with no key to the house and no key to Hatler and no key to work. I was soooooooooooooooooooo fucked!!! And I had to pee.

So I stood there under the awning, trying to think of anything I could do other than sleep in my damn car. I held my phone and stared at it, ready to text someone - anyone - who could deliver a miracle. Call the house? No way. I fear the wrath of mom like I fear the wrath of Khan!

Then dad's face appeared through the window in the door. ARE. YOU. FUCKING. KIDDING. ME??? He hadn't gone to bed just yet. He had been on the third floor, brushing his teeth, looking out the window, when he saw my headlights reflect off the neighbor's house. He thought to himself, "I bet that's Eric." I haven't wanted to kiss my dad since... well, shit, I don't ever remember wanting to kiss my dad :)

I slept like a baby and have never been happier to be in my little dinky room on the third floor!

80.01% | 173.56 lbs. (170.0 lbs.) | 20% (10 of 50) | 90.68% (331 of 365)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Hard Day

Busy bouncing between my sister's house dog-sitting, Hatler, and mom and dad's. Feel like I'm always on the go. Took a little time out during the morning to do some window shopping at The Summit. Sales were still going on strong but I wasn't there so much to buy. Felt antsy the whole time - couldn't relax. Felt like I was on a timer. But it was still a neat morning. Nice way to start the day.

Then switched gears and headed over to Hatler. Moved some furniture. Then busted up some heavy-duty chests down in the basement so we could haul those old-ass pieces out (they were there when we moved in). I was pretty wiped after that. But I took the time I had left to finish up a painting of my niece Caroline (put the finishing touches on the newest piece for Toast, Cliffie, the day before). Between the moving and the painting my body was devastated.

I came back home and showered up. Then I headed back out to Melisssss' house to hang out with the dogs. I had a gluttonous meal from Burger King - a double cheeseburger, large onion rings dutch apple pie, and a large diet Coke... and ANOTHER double cheeseburger. Good lawd. I watched Conan the Barbarian followed by X-men: First Class. Both were somewhat entertaining. Neither were mind-blowing.

Best line of the night: "I'd rather lose you for one night than lose you forever."

Tucked the dogs in. Locked up. And headed home.

80.01% | 173.57 lbs. (169.0 lbs.) | 20% (10 of 50) | 90.41% (330 of 365)

Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday Extravaganza

I had checked the ads, both print and online, from the previous day. I was ready. My plan was to be at my first stop, Target, at 7am.

I woke up at 4:16am. I was ready to go. So I showered and headed out. Target at 5am. Earbuds in. Jamming to iTunes. Shopping at my own pace. Not a care in the world.

Target. Express (visiting my cousin Rachel - not really there to buy). Gap. Good morning, sunshine! Target #2. Meijer. Old Navy. Best Buy. Chik-fil-A (chicken biscuit breakfast - yummy!). Dillards. Dillards again. Lunch at El Nopal. Target #3.

DVDs, DVDs, and DVDs. Candyland. Night-vision goggles. Polo shirts. Nice slacks. Sony headphones. Flash drive. Secret Santa gift. Jeans. Thermal. Sweaters. Undies.

Overall the day was without any headaches of any sort. I managed to luck out and avoid all major crowd activity. I never had to wait in line too terribly long. Never felt cramped. It was a very enjoyable shopping day.

80.01% | 173.59 lbs. (169.6 lbs.) | 18% (9 of 50) | 90.14% (329 of 365)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Today I am thankful for family. I am thankful for loving parents, for an adoring niece and nephew, and for a great sister and brother-in-law.

Today I am thankful for extended family. I am thankful for their assurance and their compassion.

Today I am thankful for friends. I am thankful for my fellow adventurers and for friends of yesteryear.

Today I am thankful for the ability to smile in the face of these unsure days. I am thankful for the little moments. I am thankful for the funny moments. I am thankful for the neat moments.

Today I am thankful for Kels and Will. They took time out of their day with their mom and their dad to stop by and drop in on me and my fam. I love you guys.

Today I am still thankful for the family that I no longer can call my own. I am thankful that I was a loving husband to Jooj. I am thankful that I was a fun uncle to five lovely nieces and one spectacular nephew. I hope I had a positive impact in your lives during my time.

So there are plenty of things to lament over, to mourn, to cry about. But these things are not things that I need to dwell on today. What I choose to celebrate are the things I mentioned above - the things and people and friends and family that I am thankful for. I love you all.

85.17% | 173.60 lbs. (168.2 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 89.86% (328 of 365)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Fun Day ("Porn and Chocolate")

I cut out of work early today to pick up Kelsey (after dropping Eddie off at the airport for a holiday visit home to Detroit). She is in town for the Thanksgiving holiday and had plans to head over to mom and dad's for some punkin pie and to visit. I picked her up after getting her hair did and brought her over to the 'rents' house. Melisssss and the kids were waiting there to greet her as well. Everyone was happy to see her.

While visiting Kelsey told mom that her friend had texted earlier and told her that he was getting her some "Porn and chocolate"... well, that's what I heard at least. Thankfully, I was there when he had initially texted and knew that he was, in fact, buying her *foreign* chocolate. What a difference a few consonants make. Hahahahahahahaha!

Afterwards I headed out to the house to drop off Kels and visit with Jooj. She's been busy getting the house in order. I'm gonna have to pull my weight this weekend. We chatted for a while - laughed and had a good time. I grabbed some sweaters, some CDs, and some movies and headed out.

I polished off the night helping make chocolate chip punkin cookies. It's a neat combination of flavors. They were delicioso!!!

Fell asleep on the couch playing Bloons Tower Defense 4. Jeebus Christmas I can't stop playing that silly little game! :)

I've dropped my lifting weight from my footer, as I no longer have regular access to my weights. I'll get back on it soon though.

85.17% | 173.62 lbs. (167.2 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 89.59% (327 of 365)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I am not the bad guy

So I'm hearing through the grapevine that people are giving Jooj advice. This advice, from what I understand, is well-intended and meant to put her in a position where she protects herself. I appreciate the people that are looking out for her. She needs your support.

I do ask that you try and remember that I loved her dearly for 5 years and that I do not bear her any ill will now. In fact, I hope only the best for her. I want to be a positive influence in the kids' lives. I want to make certain that Kels gets the college experience she deserves. I want to make certain she gets the Civic. And I want Jooj to be financially secure all along the way. She and I worked many hours on 5 drafts of a budget that we finally agreed to - and it is fair to both of us while allowing us to save money in the case we take a loss on the house. Mortgage and bills are paid for. Car payments are made. Tuition is paid. She stays in the house until it's sold. Jooj has her own account and still has full access to our joint account. I'm paying the bills but she has full access to see everything I do. I am not trying to hide anything.

I believe all of this is very fair. Is it possible that I'll be a jerk and screw her over? Sure. But I'm not. And I'd like people to suspend their disbelief long enough to give me a chance to prove that. I've been going out to the house as often as I can to do what I can around the house (granted, I've been sick and my effort has been minimal recently), with the pets, or to hang out with Will. I don't want to drive the Civic but I am hanging onto it until I can get it in Kelsey's hands. Kelsey's tuition? Nothing else needs to be said about that.

I am not Jooj's enemy and I am not your enemy. I've done everything I can to adhere to Jooj's wishes. It is unfortunate that things are happening as they are. But I am not the bad guy in this, nor do I want to do any harm to anyone. My living situation is not ideal. I am making sacrifices to ensure that things work out as smoothly as possible between us. I do this for the everyone else's sake. I just want to do the right thing - or at least the closest thing to the right thing.

Some assumptions have been made about the cryptic nature of my recent blogs posts. I think it's easy to assume the worst. I can't blame anyone for jumping to conclusions. But I do ask that you resist. I've been doing everything I can to stay busy and to have fun. In many cases this type of fun is adult fun - not necessarily something that needs to be detailed in a public blog.

So please don't demonize me. Sides are picked during things like this. But they don't have to be diametrically opposing sides. If Jooj and I can be friendly I am hoping that there may be some gray area instead of absolute black and white. But if you have to make me out to be the villian - if you just have to make me out to be the bad guy who takes the blame for the whole darn thing - then do it. All I ask in return is that you be there for Jooj that much more intently and that you love her with as much hate as you hold for me.

85.17% | 173.64 lbs. (???.? lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 89.32% (326 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Big Day

The morning started early, but it was all good. This weekend found me short on sleep and firing on all cylinders. But I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Puppy Dogs + Skinny Vanilla Latte + New Socks + Egg McMuffin = Strength to Do What Must Be Done. Fact. It's just simple math.

The new hire Ravi started. Team dynamics about to change for the better.

Lunch at Granville. Holy smokes that Tijuana Burger and Cheese Fries kick all kinds of ass.

Great day at work.

Secret Santa assignments passed out among the Adventure Club. Good pick!

Great conversation on the way home from work :)

Picked up a new wireless router at Best Buy. Interwebs, here I come!

Walked in with both kids here at the house. What a treat (but they were being little sh!ts).

Talked with Jooj. Unloaded some frustrations on her. Tired of talking in circles. Tired of the bickering. Tired of the antics. And I told her, bluntly, to just back off.

Watched a drama-filled The Walking Dead.

Interwebs flowing wirelessly. Caught up on blogging, surfing, and gossip. Next up, email...

Best idea that is kinda awful and kinda awesome ever. Ever? EVAR!!!!1!!11!!!one!!!!1!!!

Pulled out the win when it counted in FFL. Go Wyld Stallyns!!!

Now I've got to remember to start weighing myself in the mornings. I keep forgetting.

85.17% | 173.64 lbs. (???.? lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 89.04% (325 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Great Day

What a great day! Morning starts with a big bang. Light breakfast. Playtime at the park. Nap time. Head to the house to hang with Will. Head home. Bath time. Wind down. Day ends with an even bigger bang.

I can't begin to explain what an incredible day it was. I do not have the words.

85.17% | 173.64 lbs. (???.? lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 88.77% (324 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Hot Toddy

I've been feeling pretty rotten all week long. I've done my best to stave off serious illness by chowing down on Zicam, drinking OJ, and even sucking down an Odwalla Superfood. I've felt like I can't shake this thing, regardless of what I do. Last night, before heading to bed, I tried a hot toddy. It was delish. And what happened next was incredible. I can't blame everything on the hot toddy but I'm sure it helped.

85.17% | 173.64 lbs. (???.? lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 88.49% (323 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Old Guys vs. Young Guys

Today was the Genscape Old Guys vs. Young Guys Football game. I'll cut right to the chase - the Old Guys lost 6-7. It was a ton of fun - a nail-biter. Not the slaughter that was last year's game. And of the 6 TDs the Old Guys scored yours truly scored 2 of them. I possibly could have scored 2 more - 1 on a long bomb that I lost in the sun that bounced off my chest and another kick-off return where I had beaten the last man but was *tackled* out of bounds (yes, it is flag football).

After the game I met up with the head cheerleader (who is also the homecoming queen) and made out with her under the bleachers!!! Hahahaha :P

85.17% | 173.64 lbs. (???.? lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 88.22% (322 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Mark it 148, Dude!

Tonight the Oil group celebrated its year-end bash with some bowling at Vernon Lanes and beers at Sergio's. Fun was had, fo sho. There was one particular highlight to the evening. It wasn't the chicken nachos, although they were damn tasty. It wasn't the ceviche, although it was damn tasty. It wasn't the literally hundreds of beers at Sergio's, although that was damn impressive. It wasn't the gluten-free beer, although it wasn't bad. It wasn't starting the night with a triple of Basil Hayden, although that was brilliant!

I am not a an avid bowler. I enjoy it. But I do not practice nor do I ever bowl with any frequency. I enjoy it, but I do not normally score well. I expect to bowl between 80 and 120, with the average of 100. The highest I had ever bowled was 144... until tonight! I rolled a 148.

85.17% | 173.64 lbs. (167.6 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 87.95% (321 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Met up with Akers and Eddie last night to see the movie Immortals. And yes, this time I went to the right theater (don't get that reference, check TRON Post-mortem). Overall, I really enjoyed it.

Gawds. Titans. Oracles. Greeks. Mythology. Swordplay. Bloodshed. Imagine these things all wrapped up by Tarsem's unique visual style and what you get is Immortals. I've joked that the movie should be called 600 (as in, the sequel to the movie 300). But this movie bears little resemblance to that movie. True, they are both filled with Greeks and swords and bloodshed and fantastical elements. But it ends there.

The story involves Theseus, played by the guy who will soon be playing Superman in that upcoming movie. He is caught up in the mess as the mythical King Hyperion sweeps the land on a genocidal quest to find the Epirus Bow, a legendary weapon lost by the Gawds during their battles with the Titans. Theseus, the Virgin Oracle, and friends escape capture. Theseus, the Virgin Oracle, and friends face certain capture. Poseidon makes a big tidal wave, thereby allowing Theseus, the Virgin Oracle, and friends to escape capture. They all go back to Theseus' hometown, where Theseus discovers the Epirus Bow and fights the Minotaur guy. Theseus uses the Epirus Bow to allow the Virgin Oracle and friends to escape capture. The Virgin Oracle loses one of the words in her name (psssst, it's *not* Oracle). They fight some of Hyperion's soldiers. The Epirus Bow is stolen. Theseus, the (no longer Virgin) Oracle, and friends escape capture when Ares and Athena come to Earth and kick every kind of ass. They go Mount Tarterus, where the Titans are held and where King Hyperion is staging his army. Big fight. Gawds versus Titans. Massive carnage. Sad but happy ending. Hooray!

Visually a very pleasing movie. The storytelling was a bit lame. The fighting was a little over the top (although the scenes where Gawds fought were very well done). Overall I liked it very much.

85.17% | 173.66 lbs. (167.0 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 87.67% (320 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Midnight Release - Assassin's Creed: Revelations

Last night, at the stroke of midnight, I should have been at Gamestop to pick up the video game Assassin's Creed: Revelations for Will. There are very few reasons why I would ever consider not going. But one of those reasons was proposed to me last night. TAKE WILL THERE AND PICK IT UP TOGETHER TODAY!!!

Will needs a ride home from school today. I've got rides to give out. After a little convincing, I was given the green light to go pick up the boy today. On our way home, we'll pick up some crickets for the dragons and Assassin's Creed: Revelations. Then I can take him home and check out the game as he plays it - just like old times. I'm so excited!

I'm kind of nervous 'cause this is the first time we will have actually spoken to each other in a while. I've been so sad 'cause I've lost my little buddy - or at least that's how I've felt. I hope things aren't too awkward today. I truly don't believe they will be.

88.25% | 173.69 lbs. (168.4 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 87.40% (319 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Monday, November 14, 2011

"Siri, where is the closest liquor store?"

I got a new iPhone 4s. Yay me. This is surprising to many 'cause I've been rocking the same sliver phone for, like, eight years (Zach, I'm gonna miss you, buddy). Welcome to this century, right? Right.

So the first thing I asked Siri was:

"Siri, where is the closest liquor store?"*

She took a moment to think it over and responded:

"I have found 19 locations, 17 of which are close to you."

Siri and I are going to get along *juuuuuuust* fine :)

* Technically, this was the second question I asked Siri but was the first one she answered correctly. The first question I asked was "Siri, is it going to rain tomorrow?" She couldn't tell me. What? C'mon, man! That was a softball. You should've hit that one out of the park! Odd, since she knows my location. But I also found it strangely comforting that Siri puts more importance on my state of mind (or lack thereof) than my state of environmental being. Transcendental, baby!

88.25% | 173.70 lbs. (168.6 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 87.12% (318 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


Things are settling down. I'm catching up on some sleep. Jooj and I hammered out a budget that is fair and works for each of us. She and I also seem to be moving in a good, healthy direction given the situation at hand. Mom cleared out some drawers and most of the closet so I can walk around my bedroom and start moving out of my suitcases. I've had to move bathrooms and feel like I'm finally getting used to my routine (three different showers and two different beds over the course of three nights is unsettling). I feel a little less like a guest at mom and dad's and a little more like part of the scenery.

I still feel like I'm in transit - on the go. I still don't feel like I'm "home". But I'm getting there.

88.25% | 173.72 lbs. (167.4 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 86.85% (317 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

3:56 AM

Last night (well, and technically this morning - as in just now) there was a planned outage at work. I was going to be around and volunteered to help out. The outage was scheduled to begin at 6:30 and was expected to take 4 hours. Things started and progressed as scheduled. But then something happened. The outage window came and went. I stood by, waiting to make my moves. A few minutes after midnight I snapped to attention (I had dozed off). It was time!

Starts. Restarts. Checking. Restarting. Production servers first. Then QA. Troubleshooting continued for the next four hours. We left things in a stable state and I logged off at 3:56 AM. Long night at the office!

88.25% | 173.74 lbs. (???.?? lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 86.57% (316 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Midnight Release - Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Last night saw the second midnight release of the "week of three releases" and I was there at midnight to pick it up. This time the game was Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

The crowd was non-existent, much to my delight after the horde at Monday's CoD:MW3 release. I walked right in to a lightly crowded Gamestop, ever so slightly smelling of geeks (sweet, salty, smokey scent). I gave them my phone number and walked out with my previously fully-paid copy of the game and the 648-page game guide.

And you better believe that he'll read that game guide, cover to cover - probably multiple times.

Next week, Assassin's Creed: Revelations!

88.25% | 173.74 lbs. (???.?? lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 86.30% (315 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thanks, Mom and Dad

Thank you mom and dad for opening your home to me. This marks the fourth time in my life I've called the third floor of your house my home. Still getting settled. Nice shower head, dad (why couldn't that have been installed back in the high school days? Hahahaha!).

88.25% | 173.74 lbs. (167.4 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 86.03% (314 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Keeping my mouth shut

I'm not saying what happened tonight. I know things are tough right now. But I expect a little more than what I'm getting. I want to be friendly. I want to be civil. But there are only so many antics a person can withstand before breaking down and getting ugly right back.

This is not a warning or a threat. It is simple fact.

88.25% | 173.76 lbs. (167.0 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 85.75% (313 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Midnight Release - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

Last night marked the first midnight release of a rapid-fire succession of three upcoming title releases in the next two weeks. The game in question? Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

I pulled up at midnight and OMFG THERE ARE OVER ONE HUNDRED PEOPLE ALREADY IN LINE!!! For just a split-second, I considered saying "Fuck it," driving home, and going to bed. But I dug deep (actually, I didn't have to dig too deep - I just thought how excited I'd be at 15 if someone were to do that for me... and then realized that I'd be *that* someone) and stood in line for 40 minutes. Game in hand, I drove 20 minutes to his dad's, slipped the game in the mail slot, drove 20 minutes back, and CAH-rashed.

Gonna do it again Thursday at midnight for Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

88.25% | 173.79 lbs. (167.4 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 85.48% (312 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Happy Birfday, Caroline

I share the same sentiment that I felt yesterday with your cousin and I will say it again. I'm not sure how much weight my words carry these days with everything going on, but I love you and hope you have a wonderful 20th birfday, Caroline.

88.25% | 173.81 lbs. (166.6 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 85.21% (311 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Happy Birfday, Leigh Anne

I don't know how much this means to you with everything else going on, but I've immensely enjoyed being your uncle for the last five years. You've always been my #1 fave niece (and I think my gift still kicks ass... hope you get it somehow).

88.25% | 173.83 lbs. (164.4 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 84.93% (310 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Last night, after being cornered and pressured into answering some tough questions with brutal honesty, Julie and I have decided to separate.

I'm sorry.

88.25% | 173.87 lbs. (166.4 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 84.66% (309 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Friday, November 4, 2011

I Lost My Tea Cup - Meltdown in 3, 2, 1...

I sat down at my desk today and wanted to make my morning cup of tea. But my tea cup was missing. Huh?

Such a minor thing. But my anxiety immediately shot through the roof. I nearly was feeling dizzy. Was this a panic attack? An impending nervous breakdown? I was staving off a major meltdown and was doing everything I could to avert emotional disaster.

Was this really over a missing tea cup? No, probably not. There has been a lot on my mind recently. A lot. If you read my blog, or if you are me, then you know that there has been plenty going on. But there has been other stuff too. It's just a mess. So much so that, obviously, all it takes is a missing tea cup to begin to tear down every emotional defense I've put up.

The tea cup showed up later in the dishwasher. I suppose that either I left it somewhere or someone nabbed it, thinking it was a company cup. No worries though. Tea cup found. Emotional defenses holding.

88.25% | 173.89 lbs. (165.8 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 84.38% (308 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Two Day

Wake up.
Hung over.
Morning routine.
Drop off.
Drive home.
Police arrive.
No loss.
No report.
Bank visit.
Direct deposit.
Send fax.
Fax fail.
Skype madness.
Fantastic Lunch.
Senior Iguanas.
(Mister Lizard)
Change control.
Frantic discussions.
Hectic changes.
Hasty testing.
Late deploy.
Wife pickup.
Target shopping.
Feeder's shopping.
Come home.
Feed dragons.
Cricket murder.
Spiff up.
Willow Room.
Rub elbows.
Talk shop.
Fancy dinner.
Autumn Salad.
Foie gras.
(Iron Chef)
Lobster grits.
Main entree.
Double meat.
Edamame hummus.
Bourbon balls.
Fireplace conversation.
Red wine.
Silly talks.
Tired eyes.
So tired.
Reality check.
Drive home.
Good night.
Pass out.

88.25% | 173.92 lbs. (165.4 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 84.11% (307 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

"Online banking breach"

First thing is first - HAPPY BIRFDAY, WILL!!!

Okay, now onto some crazy shit...

I came home yesterday and checked my online bank account. WHAT?!?!?! Nearly all of our money was GONE! I checked on activity and saw that a wire transfer had been initiated that day to another bank account at another bank. I didn't mess around - I jumped right into the car and sped to my local branch.

After an initial "are you for serious?" series of questions the account specialist knew we were not fucking with him (Jooj met me there) and was quick to jump to action. He was on the phone and the transaction was stopped, right then and there. Whew!

That was the good news.

The bad news is that all accounts were frozen. Then we were told that all credit cards and all checking accounts had to be cancelled. I went to the bank this morning to start that process. After about an hour we were more or less squared away. I have to go back tomorrow and Friday to finish up bits. But overall we are heading back into action.  I was able to track the account number where the money was going and passed that along to the proper authorities. My bank has opened a case with their fraudulent investigations department regarding the matter. I have also called the police and will be filing a police report tomorrow morning. Then I will alert the credit reporting agencies that I may be the victim of identify theft and send in my paperwork.

Crazy day. Crazy world we live in. However, I'm an optimist. I know it could have been much, much worse. In a perfect world someone somewhere catches the perpetrator. At the very least, I hope he gets a headache when this one account gets shutdown. Muwahahahaha!

88.25% | 173.95 lbs. (167.0 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 83.84% (306 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Star Wars: Battlefront 3 News (Perhaps)

Star Wars: Battlefront 3 is a game I have been anticipating for years. Gamers and nerds know that it has been rumored to be in development forever. Spark Unlimited is a game developer. Rumors have suggested that Spark is working on Star Wars: Battlefront 3 for a while now.

Star Wars: Battlefront 3. Spark Unlimited. Rumors. Rumors are strengthening on the heels of some peculiar tweets from @sparkunlimited on Twitter:

"@spartacus128 Publisher hasn't stated when or where the announcement will take place. The time and place could be close or far, far away."

"@chrisdalton93 The project has been the best on all fronts. From the best we expect the best. I have no doubt this effort will surpass all"

The first tweet really "sparks" my interest (you see that?) with the last few words of "... far, far way". For any Star Wars geek out there that small phrase instantly arouses interest as it hearkens memories of the simple little line that appears before the opening crawl of any Star Wars movie...

"A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..."

I mean, if Spark isn't working on a Star Wars title (even if it isn't Battlefront 3) then they are just fucking with us with a tweet like that.

The other tweet raises my eyebrow simply because of the use of the word "front". There's no need to use that word in the sentence that way. I mean, sure there is. But that's just teasing us if it's Battlefront 3, you know?

I've blogged about this rumor before: Spike TV Video Game Awards (UPDATED). Hell, I've blogged about this damn game plenty...

The big announcement (UPDATED) (Saturday, December 12, 2009)
Disappointed (Tuesday, June 22, 2010)
Spike TV Video Game Awards (UPDATED)  (Saturday, December 11, 2010)
Why do I allow myself to get excited? (Monday, June 6, 2011)
Star Wars: Battlefront 3??? (UPDATED) (Thursday, July 21, 2011)

Why do I allow myself to get excited over this? The lack of this game title has been breaking my heart since its predecessor was released on October 31, 2005 (GOOD FUCKING LAWD THAT WAS EXACTLY SIX YEARS AGO!!!).

I say things like:

"How many times have I blogged about the vaporware Star Wars: Battlefront 3? A dozen? How many times has my heart been broken? Every time. Why do I keep letting George Lucas play with my emotions? 'Cause I'm a sucker."

"Fool me once, George Lucas, shame on you. Fool me twice... well, shame on you again. Fool me twelve times? Well, sir... well... super shame on you, you bastard! SHAME!!!"

"I hate to sound like a broken record. Battlefront announcement. Blah blah blah. Could it finally be? Blah blah. Announced? Blah."

"Battlefront 3? Don't get your hopes up, fanboys. I'm a jaded old man that's been burned all too often by that fat bastard George. Dream on!"

"Hahaha! You stupid bitches! The "exciting announcement" was, of course, not Battlefront 3. It was a Star Wars-themed Xbox retailing for $449. Blow me, LucasArts. I can honestly say that I did not, for the first time, get all worked up over the possibility that BF3 was being announced. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me 14 times, and maybe I finally learn my lesson. Fuck off, Lucas, you fat fucking Hutt!"

These are the words of a silly boy who will never learn his lesson - like the nerdy kid who keeps asking the prom queen out on dates and never gets the hint when she is always busy (and just too nice to tell him to stop). I hate you Star Wars... I love you Star Wars!!!!

88.25% | 173.97 lbs. (168.8 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 83.56% (305 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Monday, October 31, 2011


Halloween. This day is normally my most favorite of the year. Candy, costumes, kids, crisp Autumn weather, pagan undertones. What's not to love? But today? Meh.

The annual Halloween party didn't happen. We didn't stock up on any candy for tonight. The porch light was never even turned on.

The surgery is still affecting me. I'm stressed at work. I wrote some things today I want to regret but I don't. I can't shake this bad mood. Not sure what's exactly is up.

After 26 years in business the once renowned, premier music store ear X-tacy has forever shut their doors. I have previously blogged how their current store location is a sad shell of its once great footprint in the historic and eclectic Bardstown Road area. This news does not help my mood.

88.25% | 173.99 lbs. (165.2 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 83.29% (304 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

(Blog entry intentionally left blank)

(Blog entry intentionally left blank)

88.25% | 174.02 lbs. (165.2 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 83.01% (303 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Gratz, Chris and Amrita (Mr. and Mrs. Pettus)

Morning wedding in Indy. Traditional Sikh wedding. Mimosas. Indian treats. Shoes off. Head covered. Enter the Gurdwara. Prayers and hymns in Hindi. Sweet sacrament. More mimosas. Check in. Lunch. Paneer Masala. Naan. Gulab Jamun. Chill with friends. Walk to liquor store. Day drinking. Absolut fun. Shower. Spiff up. Cocktail hour. Fritters. Crab cakes. Tanq and Tonic. Tanq and Tonic. Kevin! Dinner. Speeches. More Indian delights. Mistaken identity. Tanq and Tonics (rinse, repeat). Dessert station. Congratulating and thanking the parents of the bride. DJ starts spinning... all Indian dance tunes. What's the over/under? Candy bag for Kevin. Scavenger hunting grrrls. Fizzies with Amy. Walk back in the cold. Eventually, a great night winds down to comforting sleep. It was neat!

88.25% | 174.06 lbs. (168.2 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 82.74% (302 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Friday, October 28, 2011

"... hundreds of thousands of dollars on the line..."

These words were spoken to me yesterday three different times by two different people as we geared up for an obviously critical deploy scheduled for later that day. I had plans to see off Papa Hayden but was gently guilted into cutting those plans short. I went to the mass, skipped the burial, and headed back to work right as the deploy was to kick off.

Nothing was kicking, suffice to say. And they are lucky I came back, 'cause I stayed 'til nearly 6:30pm straightening out the 11th hour issues we had discovered. Good for a Friday deploy, right? Well, I should hope so, even though we do not normally deploy on Fridays. And my boss was going to be right there in the thick of things to see things off right, right?!? Nope, he was leaving for Vegas.

Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot? C'mon, man. Seriously? I don't run the department technically, but I could. Does the department run without me? I guess technically they do. Anyway...

I did what needed to be done to push a noonish deploy. I drafted the change control doc. I delegated the lingering issues. I answered critical questions. I made last-minute judgment calls. We pushed on time. We overcame a hiccup or two with minimal effort. Emails were blasted out during the different stages of the deploy to keep everyone in the loop. In the end, we can all agree that is was a successful deploy. Now Monday, when we setup new subscribers, we'll see if those checks start pouring in.

The day continued positively with a light-hearted date night with Jooj. Dinner at Rafferty's (poor choice - bad recommendation), buzzed-shopping at Target, drinks at Joe's, then put a very happy Jooj to bed. I played CoH for a while, completing a Masters of Statesman TF (one of the hardest accomplishments) with Red Team, before heading to bed.

88.25% | 174.08 lbs. (166.6 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 82.47% (301 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Post 300 in 2011

"Deep Blue" - performed by Arcade Fire, from the album The Suburbs

Here are my place and time
And here in my own skin
I can finally begin
Let the century pass me by
Standing under night sky
Tomorrow means nothing

I was only a child then
Feeling barely alive when
I heard a song from the speaker of a passing car
And prayed to a dying star
The memory's fading
I can almost remember singing la, la la, la la la la
La la, la la, la la la la

We watched the end of the century
Compressed on a tiny screen
A dead star collapsing and we could see
That something was ending
Are you through pretending?
We saw its signs in the suburbs

You could never have predicted
That he could see through you
Kasparov, Deep Blue, nineteen-ninety-six
Your mind's pulling tricks now
The show is over so take a bow
We're living in the shadows la, la la, la la la la
Oh, la la, la la, la la la la

Hey, put the cellphone down for a while
In the night there is something wild
Can you hear it breathing?
And hey, put the laptop down for a while
In the night there is something wild
I feel it, it's leaving me

La la, la la, la la la la

(I'm not convinced these lyrics are 100% but this is the best these interwebs can currently offer)

I feel tired. And detached. And old. And the future seems like a scary thing for one of the few times in my life.

88.25% | 174.10 lbs. (168.8 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 82.20% (300 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Catching Up (And Random Shit)

Life, love, the universe, and everything is catching up to me. I've been moving too fast, too distracted, to allow myself to catch up to my self. My head is buzzing from all the buzzworthy buzz going on around me. Heavy feelings are taking their toll - are finally pulling on me, wearing me down. I feel pulled too taut, spread too thin, pushed too hard. At points today I have been overwhelmed, stunned, shocked, speechless, and utterly overcome. I am nearing surreal territory. I need a reality check. I need a break. And I need to stop listening to so much gawddamn sad music.

Here are some random thoughts:

Every one of us will miss the biggest gathering of our closest loved ones. We will totally miss it. They will all get together while we lay there in a casket. I'd like to have a gathering like that while I still walk this world.

I am getting job offers with starting salaries of over 150% of my current salary. What am I supposed to do with those dangling carrots?

The product code for bananas is 4011. How can I *not* self-checkout with that knowledge now?

AP Crafters isn't as bad as Debes led me to believe. The El Vez is a kick-ass burger. And their pretzel and beer cheese is super-duper. Yes, they serve too many fries.

Speaking of kick-ass, I had my ass kicked by the Bumblebee Red Hot at JGumbo's today. ASS KICKED!

I have some pretty spectacular friends. Fact.

The wee baby Logan is a good looking baby. I also noticed that he has 15 letters in his name - 5 in his first, 5 in his middle, and 5 in his last. Thought I should mention that in case anyone cares to know.

Today is today. Tomorrow I switch gears to tomorrow. Then the next day I'm back to today. And so on and so on.

88.25% | 174.12 lbs. (165.8 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 81.92% (299 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

"Stop Made By Will Bearden."

I have been waiting all season long to hear those words over the loudspeakers at a stadium. In the fourth quarter of the last game of the season last night, I finally heard it.

My excitement boiled over when I saw #32 enter the game. But the clock only had 12 seconds left and dwindling in the 3rd quarter. There wasn't time for a play! The horn sounded. Teams switched fields. My little #32 was still in. "Go Will!" we heard his dad yell over everything else. He lined up in his newly appointed position, Defensive End. The first defensive play saw him beat his offensive lineman and he wrapped up the quarterback. Unfortunately, the ball had only just left his hands. Incomplete. On the next play, #32 engaged his offensive lineman. The ball carrier was shooting through the hole and #32 disengaged and got a hand on the ball runner, taking him down in the process. "Stop Made By Will Bearden," echoed over the loudspeaker. The next play #32 found himself on the ground, under a lineman. Fourth down, he was overpowered by the lineman and on the ground again.

No matter! He returned to the sidelines amidst a roar of "Go Will!" from friends and teammates. There is no doubt in my mind now that we will see Will on the turf for JV, albeit the sidelines, for his sophomore year.

88.25% | 174.15 lbs. (167.0 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 80.64% (298 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Farewell, Papa Hayden... O Hai, Wee Baby Logan

Wow, the Lawd giveth and the Lawd taketh away. I saw the circle of life happen in the last 24 hours. Papa Hayden found peace after his long, hard battle with cancer. At the hospital across the street, the wee baby Logan made his way into the world.

Farewell, Papa Hayden. You were a good man. You've left behind good kids. You have good grandkids that will help carry on your legacy. You will be missed but the Hayden clan is strong. They will survive. They will tell stories about you for many years to come. You will live on in our memories. They will find comfort in that. Comfort, something I hope you have found. And I hope you have found peace. I hope you've gone home - wherever that place may be.

O hai, wee baby Logan! I don't know too many details but it sounds like you gave your mommy and daddy a bit of a scare. I know I hoped for the best when your daddy wasn't at work today. But then word came that things weren't going as well as we had hoped. We waited to bug your daddy as long as we could but I broke down and had to plead with someone to text your daddy to check in on you. Last we heard you were just about out of the woods, and I'm happy to hear it. I hope you enjoy everyday of your life of ups and downs ahead of you. Make your mommy and daddy proud.

Carbon-based lifeforms... funny things. Rise up from dust. Burn ever so brightly. Return to dust. So goes it.

88.25% | 174.18 lbs. (168.8 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 80.37% (297 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

FFL Midseason Update (UPDATED)

I'm not happy. Between my two teams I am 7-7 (barring any miracles during the late games today) across 2 leagues in FFL. Neither team can score significant points on a regular basis. The Wyld Stallyns started the season 4-0 and have dropped 3 in a row since. The L'ville Gunners have been trading wins for losses and will end up 3-4 after today. I initially felt that both drafts were strong but my players are not showing the explosive traits I need them to have in order to shake out consistent wins on a weekly basis.

HOLD ON!!! While typing this blog entry, a touchdown from Cassel to Bowe must have been called back after review. That means that the Stallyns are still coming from behind but not as bad off as they were when I started writing this silly post! GO STALLYNS!!!

With a quarter left to go the Stallyns are up by 1, leading 81-80. If this momentum holds this will easily be the most outrageous comeback I've ever witnessed (in my favor).

Wow, just watched Mason Crosby connect on a 56-yard field goal for Green Bay. Most impressive!

Lost, 77-89. Packers gave up more points to the Vikings and Dez Bryant made it into the end zone.

88.25% | 174.20 lbs. (169.4 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 80.10% (296 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

I am thinking of you, <INSERT NAME HERE>

I have a friend... whose father is hanging onto life. His fight with cancer has concluded and the time for peace is approaching. During this period of waiting I simply cannot imagine what their family members' bodies and minds are going through as they anxiously await the moment for it all to end. I am thinking of you.

I have a friend... who is expecting their first child today. I am so excited for the new life that is about to enter this world and am convinced that my friend will be a wonderful parent. I haven't heard yet so I don't think the birth is happening. Hopefully it all happens fast - for everyone's sake. I am thinking of you.

I have a friend... who is dealing with adjusting to a new situation at home during a tough transition over the coming months. I am proud of their spouse and I know that my friend has the strength to get through this. Keep your head up and take it one day at a time. I am thinking of you.

I have a friend... who will likely be facing a choice to move out of town, perhaps out of the country, in order to allow their spouse to accept an expected promotion. It's a tough spot. They don't want their spouse to not take the promotion and give the impression that upward momentum is not something they are interested in. But leaving home, no matter how far, is a tough call to make. I am thinking of you.

I have a friend... who is having trouble with their spouse. I know they love each other very much. But my friend is questioning their marital resolve. The situation is complicated further by the two small children they share. I just want what's best and for my friend to be happy. I am thinking of you.

I have a friend... who is recovering from gallbladder surgery and still doesn't feel like they are quite back into the swing of things. Just kidding! That's me :)

88.25% | 174.21 lbs. (168.8 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 80.82% (295 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Ninja Scroll

Over the years I have shared some great anime, both classic and modern, with the kids. We've enjoyed tremendous films like Akira, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, Howl's Moving Castle, Nausicca of the Valley of the Wind, Appleseed, and Ghost in the Shell. Still, some were a few that were off-limits for one reason or another. Well, tonight, when Kels (who is home from Murray) asked if I'd like to watch some anime I jumped at the chance to bust out one of my all-time faves... Ninja Scroll.

Ninja Scroll . Jubei Kibagami. The Eight Devils of Kimon. Kagero. The Koga Ninja. Dakuan. The Shogun of the Dark. Blood. Swordplay. Nudity. Violence. Sodomy. Throwing stars. Spinning blades. Bamboo forests. Samurai. Ninja. Magic. Hot damn, this movie got it right years ago and, imho, still stands not only the test of time but continues to shine as a testament of what anime aims to be. Ninja Scroll is *not* for everyone. It is anime, in knowing as much you should expect misogynistic, crude, foul, violent imagery. And boy-o-boy this movie delivers.

Haha! I went back and found me gushing over Ninja Scroll years ago (forgive me for incorrectly referencing the Eight Devils of Kimon as the *Seven* Devils of Kimon - just rolls off the tongue better)...

Double Shot of Anime

88.25% | 174.23 lbs. (168.8 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 80.55% (294 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

The Difference Between Vowels and Consonants

We all know that the letters a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y are vowels. And we also know that everything else is a consonant. But do you know any difference beyond that? I didn't and I was quite impressed with what I found out.

According to

... a vowel is a speech sound that is made without constriction of the vocal tract. What does that mean? It means that when you say a vowel, the sound is not stopped by your tongue, teeth, or cheeks. Try it! When you pronounce all of the vowels, your mouth stays open, but for every consonant, your tongue hits your teeth or the top of your mouth.

The word vowel comes from originally from the Latin vox meaning voice. Consonant means “with sound” from the Latin com (with) and sonare (sound).

Makes so much sense!! Furthermore...

Every language has vowels, though some have more vowel sounds than others. Across many languages, all words have to have vowel sounds, but not all words have to have consonants. This is because the sound and volume of spoken language comes from the vowels. The consonants break up the sound that the vowels generate. That’s why it’s impossible to say a string of consonants in a row. By nature, consonants stop the air flowing through the vocal tract, which is why you can say a vowel as long as you have breath, but you can’t draw out a sound like “l” unless you break it up with more vowels, as in “lalala.” This is also why vowels sit in the middle of syllables. They give language form and rhythm.

Strings of consonants sound like parts of words in English. Think of the phrases, “hmm” or “hmph.” They are not complete words, even though they do have some meaning. Without any vowels in languages, we would be left with meaningless consonant strings. Although some languages, like Polish, can have as many as five consonants in a row, in English, we’re typically restricted to three, like str in strict.

Vowels and consonants are oversimplified categories, of course—sounds are in reality more complicated than that. Take sounds like “s” or “z,” which don’t need to be broken up by vowels to continue. Are they vowels or consonants? You can say “z” forever. It’s the onomatopoetic sound of bees buzzing, to give just one example. These sounds are a subcategory of consonants called fricatives, made by pushing air through a very small space in your mouth. 

88.25% | 174.25 lbs. (168.8 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 80.27% (293 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Food Challenge

Will asked for cheese coneys from Skyline Chili last night. Mmm, that sounds delish! Well, I figured it was time to test out the new system. I ordered three cheese coneys, with onions and mustard, for him. I ordered *four* habanero cheese coneys, with onions and mustard, *and* an order of fries for me. I knew I was asking for trouble. And I figured if I was going to break some food rules I may as well go full tilt and maximize the taste along the way. I chowed down!

And nothing. Not even a burp. Or a toot. Not even a single twinge in the belly.

I'm not going to push it. I'm going to continue to eat with tepid apprehension. But it's good to know that there is at least one meal out there that I can throw down when I'm feeling like eating bad without gut-wrenching effects. Maybe more! We shall see.

Also want to take a quick moment to point out that I am exactly 80% through my New Years resolution to blog everyday with my 292nd post of the 365 days in 2011. It's been fun. Not sure if I'll keep it up in 2012 but perhaps I should.

88.25% | 174.27 lbs. (168.8 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 80.00% (292 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Things. Returning. To normal?

Wake up too early. Shower. Dress. Let dogs out. Let dogs in. Feed cats. Take Will to school. Pick up sympathy cards. Go to dentist. Two cavities filled. Go to work. Get marching orders. Hit ground running. Busy, busy. Lead meeting. Send emails. Log on. Log in. Log off. Mix. Match. Rearrange. Listen. Rip. Burn. Discuss fish hygiene. Open. Close. Run. Stop. Restart. Update. Build. Deploy. Clean. Small talk with CEO. Send. Receive. Eat nasty Chinese "candy". Eat cereal. Deploy to Prod. Test. Success. Research. Analyze. Estimate. Leave work. Talk with stranger in elevator. Drive through downtown. Pick up Will. Go home. Eat dinner. Change into comfy clothes. Watch last week's House on Hulu. Watch last night's House on DVR. Tuck in wife. Let dogs in. Let dogs out. Check email. Sent email. Guess it's too late. Say goodnight to Will. Ponder tonight's activities. Log onto CoH. Log off. Open Warlords IV. Close. Decide to go to bed early. Must blog first. Beat. Tired. Sore. Sleep. Dream? (too early to tell)

88.25% | 174.29 lbs. (168.2 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 79.73% (291 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Top Ten Lessons Steve Jobs Taught Us

I am republishing this list from Forbes in honor of both the passing of Steve Jobs as well as the inevitable passing of Papa Hayden - both on account of long, hard-fought battles with cancer:

1. The most enduring innovations marry art and science - Steve has always pointed out that the biggest difference between Apple and all the other computer (and post-PC) companies through history is that Apple always tried to marry art and science.  Jobs pointed out the original team working on the Mac had backgrounds in anthropology, art, history, and poetry.  That's always been important in making Apple's products stand out.  It's the difference between the iPad and every other tablet computer that came before it or since.  It is the look and feel of a product.  It is its soul.  But it is such a difficult thing for computer scientists or engineers to see that importance, so any company must have a leader that sees that importance.

2. To create the future, you can't do it through focus groups - There is a school of thought in management theory that - if you're in the consumer-facing space building products and services - you've got to listen to your customer.  Steve Jobs was one of the first businessmen to say that was a waste of time.  The customers today don't always know what they want, especially if it's something they've never seen, heard, or touched before.  When it became clear that Apple would come out with a tablet, many were skeptical.  When people heard the name (iPad), it was a joke in the Twitter-sphere for a day.  But when people held one, and used it, it became a ‘must have.'  They didn't know how they'd previously lived without one.  It became the fastest growing Apple product in its history.  Jobs (and the Apple team) trusted himself more than others.  Picasso and great artists have done that for centuries.  Jobs was the first in business.

3. Never fear failure - Jobs was fired by the successor he picked.  It was one of the most public embarrassments of the last 30 years in business.  Yet, he didn't become a venture capitalist never to be heard from again.  He didn't start a production company and do a lot of lunches.  He picked himself up and got back to work following his passion.  Eight years ago, he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and told he only had a few weeks to live.  As Samuel Johnson said, there's nothing like your impending death to focus the mind.  From Jobs' 2005 Stanford commencement speech:

    No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.

    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

4. You can't connect the dots forward - only backward - This is another gem from the 2005 Stanford speech.  The idea behind the concept is that, as much as we try to plan our lives ahead in advance, there's always something that's completely unpredictable about life.  What seems like bitter anguish and defeat in the moment - getting dumped by a girlfriend, not getting that job at McKinsey, "wasting" 4 years of your life on a start-up that didn't pan out as you wanted - can turn out to sow the seeds of your unimaginable success years from now.  You can't be too attached to how you think your life is supposed to work out and instead trust that all the dots will be connected in the future.  This is all part of the plan.

    Again, you can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.

5. Listen to that voice in the back of your head that tells you if you're on the right track or not - Most of us don't hear a voice inside our heads.  We've simply decided that we're going to work in finance or be a doctor because that's what our parents told us we should do or because we wanted to make a lot of money.  When we consciously or unconsciously make that decision, we snuff out that little voice in our head.  From then on, most of us put it on automatic pilot.  We mail it in.  You have met these people.  They're nice people.  But they're not changing the world.  Jobs has always been a restless soul.  A man in a hurry.  A man with a plan.  His plan isn't for everyone.  It was his plan. He wanted to build computers.  Some people have a voice that tells them to fight for democracy.  Some have one that tells them to become an expert in miniature spoons.  When Jobs first saw an example of a Graphical User Interface - a GUI - he knew this was the future of computing and that he had to create it.  That became the Macintosh.  Whatever your voice is telling you, you would be smart to listen to it.  Even if it tells you to quit your job, or move to China, or leave your partner.

6. Expect a lot from yourself and others - We have heard stories of Steve Jobs yelling or dressing down staff.  He's a control freak, we've heard - a perfectionist.  The bottom line is that he is in touch with his passion and that little voice in the back of his head.  He gives a damn.  He wants the best from himself and everyone who works for him.  If they don't give a damn, he doesn't want them around.  And yet - he keeps attracting amazing talent around him.  Why?  Because talent gives a damn too.  There's a saying: if you're a "B" player, you'll hire "C" players below you because you don't want them to look smarter than you.  If you're an "A" player, you'll hire "A+" players below you, because you want the best result.

7. Don't care about being right.  Care about succeeding - Jobs used this line in an interview after he was fired by Apple.  If you have to steal others' great ideas to make yours better, do it.  You can't be married to your vision of how a product is going to work out, such that you forget about current reality.  When the Apple III came out, it was hot and warped its motherboard even though Jobs had insisted it would be quiet and sleek.  If Jobs had stuck with Lisa, Apple would have never developed the Mac.

8. Find the most talented people to surround yourself with - There is a misconception that Apple is Steve Jobs.  Everyone else in the company is a faceless minion working to please the all-seeing and all-knowing Jobs.  In reality, Jobs has surrounded himself with talent: Phil Schiller, Jony Ive, Peter Oppenheimer, Tim Cook, the former head of stores Ron Johnson.  These are all super-talented people who don't get the credit they deserve.  The fact that Apple's stock price has been so strong since Jobs left as CEO is a credit to the strength of the team.  Jobs has hired bad managerial talent before.  John Sculley ended up firing Jobs and - according to Jobs - almost killing the company.  Give credit to Jobs for learning from this mistake and realizing that he can't do anything without great talent around him.

9. Stay hungry, stay foolish - Again from the end of Jobs' memorable Stanford speech:

    When I was young, there was an amazing publication called The Whole Earth Catalog, which was one of the bibles of my generation. It was created by a fellow named Stewart Brand not far from here in Menlo Park, and he brought it to life with his poetic touch. This was in the late 1960's, before personal computers and desktop publishing, so it was all made with typewriters, scissors, and polaroid cameras. It was sort of like Google in paperback form, 35 years before Google came along: it was idealistic, and overflowing with neat tools and great notions.

    Stewart and his team put out several issues of The Whole Earth Catalog, and then when it had run its course, they put out a final issue. It was the mid-1970s, and I was your age. On the back cover of their final issue was a photograph of an early morning country road, the kind you might find yourself hitchhiking on if you were so adventurous. Beneath it were the words: "Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish." It was their farewell message as they signed off. Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish. And I have always wished that for myself. And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you.

    Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.

10. Anything is possible through hard work, determination, and a sense of vision - Although he's the greatest CEO ever and the father of the modern computer, at the end of the day, Steve Jobs is just a guy.  He's a husband, a father, a friend - like you and me.  We can be just as special as he is - if we learn his lessons and start applying them in our lives.  When Jobs returned to Apple in the 1990s, it was was weeks away from bankruptcy.  It's now the biggest company in the world.  Anything's possible in life if you continue to follow the simple lessons laid out above.

Originally posted by Eric Jackson on

88.25% | 174.32 lbs. (169.2 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 79.45% (290 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Walking Dead Season 2 Premiere

AMC's The Walking Dead series begins its second season tonight. I'm so excited :)

UPDATE (NON-SPOILER): OMG, that was a fun episode. And it ends with a bang!

Had a great dinner with Jooj's side of the fam at Havana Rhumba tonight celebrating Pat's 50th. The meal was hearty and filling, and while it did a small number on me it wasn't nearly as bad as many other foodstuffs I've put in my belly recently.

Going to the doctor tomorrow for a checkup. Then I'm heading into work. Going to see how well that goes. My energy is still in the tank but I'm just so ready to get back into the swing of things.

88.25% | 174.34 lbs. (169.8 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 79.18% (289 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.