Friday, December 16, 2011

Kids' Holiday Party

Emma and Babuke made it to the holiday party this afternoon and we all had a flippin' blast! We saw the Chik-fil-A cow (Luke DID NOT like the cow but eventually built up the courage to give him a high five). We made cookies. We ate the cookies. We drank Juicy Juice (100% juice, right?). We saw Santa Claus (another high five was delivered by Lukey). Emma was so patient waiting in line for a creation from the balloon guy. Luke and I ran around the office. We ate chicken. He hit up Amrita's candy cache - Reece's Pieces, M&Ms, Crunch bars, and suckers. I changed a big ol' nasty diaper in the bathroom. Luke and I rode the elevator. The balloon guy twisted up a pink elephant for Emma and a Lightning McQueen for Luke. They went home jacked up on sugar. Hopefully at some point they went asleep.

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