Monday, November 28, 2011

Life in Fragments

Wake up. Shower. Sneak out. Commute (Jesus, it's *still* raining?). Work. Meet. Meet. Work. Soup for lunch. Work. Work some more. Meet. Run a quick errand to the shoe shop (damn this rain). Work. Late for dinner. Change. Eat. Play. Leave (Still raining!!!). Sam's (weeknight is *the* time to go). Dog treats. Tea juice. Dog treats. Gatorade. Blueberries. Dog treats. Bacon bits. Stop by Hatler. Impromptu visit with Will. Watch video game footage. Doze off. Say good night. Drive to Target (OMG, *still* raining). Comfy cozies. Aquaphor. Trimmers. Drive home (fuck me - STILL raining). Good night!

I feel like I'm living my life in a blur right now. I live my life in fragments. I do this and I do that and I do the next thing. There is no real cohesion. Is that a bad thing? Good? I'm not sure. I don't feel like I have time to catch my breath. But is that such a bad thing right now?

I feel like I'm a good worker bee, a good step-dad-from-a-distance, a good still-technically-a-husband, a good son, a good uncle, a good friend. Or at least good enough. And that's about all I can give right now. I am giving all I've got and trying not to take any more for myself than I have to.

80.01% | 173.55 lbs. (169.4 lbs.) | 20% (10 of 50) | 90.96% (332 of 365)

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