Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Catching Up (And Random Shit)

Life, love, the universe, and everything is catching up to me. I've been moving too fast, too distracted, to allow myself to catch up to my self. My head is buzzing from all the buzzworthy buzz going on around me. Heavy feelings are taking their toll - are finally pulling on me, wearing me down. I feel pulled too taut, spread too thin, pushed too hard. At points today I have been overwhelmed, stunned, shocked, speechless, and utterly overcome. I am nearing surreal territory. I need a reality check. I need a break. And I need to stop listening to so much gawddamn sad music.

Here are some random thoughts:

Every one of us will miss the biggest gathering of our closest loved ones. We will totally miss it. They will all get together while we lay there in a casket. I'd like to have a gathering like that while I still walk this world.

I am getting job offers with starting salaries of over 150% of my current salary. What am I supposed to do with those dangling carrots?

The product code for bananas is 4011. How can I *not* self-checkout with that knowledge now?

AP Crafters isn't as bad as Debes led me to believe. The El Vez is a kick-ass burger. And their pretzel and beer cheese is super-duper. Yes, they serve too many fries.

Speaking of kick-ass, I had my ass kicked by the Bumblebee Red Hot at JGumbo's today. ASS KICKED!

I have some pretty spectacular friends. Fact.

The wee baby Logan is a good looking baby. I also noticed that he has 15 letters in his name - 5 in his first, 5 in his middle, and 5 in his last. Thought I should mention that in case anyone cares to know.

Today is today. Tomorrow I switch gears to tomorrow. Then the next day I'm back to today. And so on and so on.

88.25% | 174.12 lbs. (165.8 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 81.92% (299 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

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