Friday, October 28, 2011

"... hundreds of thousands of dollars on the line..."

These words were spoken to me yesterday three different times by two different people as we geared up for an obviously critical deploy scheduled for later that day. I had plans to see off Papa Hayden but was gently guilted into cutting those plans short. I went to the mass, skipped the burial, and headed back to work right as the deploy was to kick off.

Nothing was kicking, suffice to say. And they are lucky I came back, 'cause I stayed 'til nearly 6:30pm straightening out the 11th hour issues we had discovered. Good for a Friday deploy, right? Well, I should hope so, even though we do not normally deploy on Fridays. And my boss was going to be right there in the thick of things to see things off right, right?!? Nope, he was leaving for Vegas.

Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot? C'mon, man. Seriously? I don't run the department technically, but I could. Does the department run without me? I guess technically they do. Anyway...

I did what needed to be done to push a noonish deploy. I drafted the change control doc. I delegated the lingering issues. I answered critical questions. I made last-minute judgment calls. We pushed on time. We overcame a hiccup or two with minimal effort. Emails were blasted out during the different stages of the deploy to keep everyone in the loop. In the end, we can all agree that is was a successful deploy. Now Monday, when we setup new subscribers, we'll see if those checks start pouring in.

The day continued positively with a light-hearted date night with Jooj. Dinner at Rafferty's (poor choice - bad recommendation), buzzed-shopping at Target, drinks at Joe's, then put a very happy Jooj to bed. I played CoH for a while, completing a Masters of Statesman TF (one of the hardest accomplishments) with Red Team, before heading to bed.

88.25% | 174.08 lbs. (166.6 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 82.47% (301 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

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