Friday, November 4, 2011

I Lost My Tea Cup - Meltdown in 3, 2, 1...

I sat down at my desk today and wanted to make my morning cup of tea. But my tea cup was missing. Huh?

Such a minor thing. But my anxiety immediately shot through the roof. I nearly was feeling dizzy. Was this a panic attack? An impending nervous breakdown? I was staving off a major meltdown and was doing everything I could to avert emotional disaster.

Was this really over a missing tea cup? No, probably not. There has been a lot on my mind recently. A lot. If you read my blog, or if you are me, then you know that there has been plenty going on. But there has been other stuff too. It's just a mess. So much so that, obviously, all it takes is a missing tea cup to begin to tear down every emotional defense I've put up.

The tea cup showed up later in the dishwasher. I suppose that either I left it somewhere or someone nabbed it, thinking it was a company cup. No worries though. Tea cup found. Emotional defenses holding.

88.25% | 173.89 lbs. (165.8 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 84.38% (308 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

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