Sunday, May 29, 2011

(Yet Another) Busy Saturday

Woke up. Fed dogs. Fed cats. Fed lizards. Went to Target. Bickered with Jooj. Came home. Picked up dog poop. Mowed front yard. Mowed back yard. Weed-whacked. Picked up sticks. Broke aforementioned sticks. Mowed body (Spring manscaping). Showered. Went to pool. Laid on my back. Laid on my front. Laid on my back. Came home. Caulked new back steps. Showered again. Went to Sam's. Went to Garden Ridge. Went to bank. Went to Dick's. Ate at Yang Kee Noodle. Went to Play It Again Sports. Talked to a man about a weight bench (you thought I was going to say horse). Came home (expecting to rest). Hand-picked non-keeper DVDs from the DVD collection and bagged them. Removed all DVDs from the shelves in studio. Removed all articles and drawers from the chest and shelf in the bedroom office. Moved chair from bedroom office to bedroom. Moved chest and shelf and drawers to Kelsey's room (temporarily). Moved movie shelves into bedroom office. Boxed 2 Sideshow Collectible Star Wars statuettes. Boxed 5 Medicom Star Wars Real Action Heroes. Boxed 1 Kotobukiya Star Wars statuette. Boxed a ton of Boba Fett and assorted Star Wars stuff. Sat on the back patio with Jooj. Messed with the frog (I'm a Zookeeper, remember?). Watched The Middle finale on DVR. Watched Cougar Town finale on DVR. Tucked Jooj in bed. Played City of Heroes till I nodded off. Slept.

100% | 175.5 lbs. | 0% (0 of 128) | 14% (7 of 50) | 40.55% (148 of 365) | 6.444% (12 lbs.)

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