Tuesday, May 10, 2011

This is not a drill!

As the day was winding down today the screeching cacophony of the fire alarms pierced my ears. People began making jokes about the unreliable nature of the building. But not too many were uttered before someone came to our door and barked "This is not a drill!" Seriously, the building is on fire? You don't say...

I left (don't worry Pat, I grabbed the laptop) and hung around for a while. A fire engine rolled up. And a hook and ladder. Another engine. Hose was unfurled. Power was cut to the building. I stood around and joked with Eddie, Jesse, Becky, Hillary, and Brown-Downs for a bit. Once HR told us we were encouraged to go home I cut out.

Still don't know what happened. Maybe I'll find out tomorrow. Maybe not.

100% | 174.5 lbs. | 0% (0 of 128) | 14% (7 of 50) | 35.62% (130 of 365) | 6.444% (12 lbs.)

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