Sunday, May 29, 2011

Attack of the... BIRDS!

Mama bird nested in the archway, protected behind the trellis. And I was totally cool with it. She scampers away in a spurt and scares the bajeebus out of me at times. And I'm cool with that too. It's been cool watching through the kitchen window the four heads of the little chicks bob around over the edge of the nest. Cool! However, what happened today was not cool.

I walked out to put a first coat of paint on the back steps that dad and I constructed last week. I put down my materials on the steps and walked through the archway. I expected mama bird to startle me but she didn't. However, as I made my way through the arch a pack of 6 angry birds (luckily not explosive nor wood-boring nor boomerang-like) swarmed and buzzed by my head. One even dropped a load of scat at me and actually hit me on the leg.


I later figured that today was "push the babies from the nest" day so I suppose the birds were on edge. One had already left the nest. I actually watched another take his first flight later in the afternoon. He looked so goofy and awkward. I'm not sure if seeing it was worth the price of admission of bird-attack and scat-leg but it was still neat.

100% | 177 lbs. | 0% (0 of 128) | 14% (7 of 50) | 40.82% (149 of 365) | 6.444% (12 lbs.)

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