Saturday, May 7, 2011

End of week tidbits

I'm a day late. I know. I was tired and sore.

Will sung at his school talent show Thursday. He sang "Come Sail Away" by Styx. He sang it with another student. It was supposed to be sung as a joke, inspired by the fact that Cartman from South Park cannot hear the song without singing it all the way through. However, his performance allegedly brought principal to tears and he has been asked to sing it at their 8th grade graduation. What a little shit!

I added a new weapon to my Arsenal of Manhood yesterday when I bought a weed whacker. I am man. Hear me roar. Rawr.

I talked some big talk a few days ago about painting, comics, and web work. I'm happy to report that some progress has been made in across the board. We're not in the middle of an inspiration avalanche but momentum is picking up. Besides, Kels is in one of the lead roles and I lose her to college in the summer. I gotta get a move on!

Arbiter Hotspur, formerly Agent Hotspur and my main character in City of Heroes, went full Villain last night. I was trying to do something to spice him up a bit and thought a little walk on the dark side may be in the cards. Don't worry. He won't last long over there. Maybe he's working undercover or something :)

Lastly, where there were 18 there are now 4. The latest clutch of lizard eggs from Pandora and Perseus has been culled to 4. The rest were either never viable or succumbed to some problem or issue. One of those four look very good. The others look... "okay". We'll see...

100% | 175.5 lbs. | 0% (0 of 128) | 14% (7 of 50) | 34.52% (126 of 365) | 6.444% (12 lbs.)

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