Saturday, January 15, 2011

TurboTax Redux

Jooj got her W2 yesterday so I was anxious to get those numbers into TurboTax. We were upset that we were apparently going to owe. And while I was not convinced that we were in bad shape the thought of paying Uncle Sam was still unsettling.

On January 4th I said this: "So there is hope, I suppose, that in the end things will right themselves. We'll see."

We'll see, indeed. I compared the first field in TurboTax to Box 1 from Jooj's W2. - different numbers. JOOJ!

In the end, it appears that Uncle Sam will be handing over money to us now. I can't say for certain how much since I do not have my W2 yet. But things are looking much brighter than they were 10 days ago. We'll see once I receive my W2.

(Lesson learned perhaps - Jooj promised never to jump into doing taxes without W2s.)

15 of 365 | 12% (6 of 50) | 0 of 128 | 176.43 lbs. (176.0 lbs.) | 39.91% | 0.00% (0 lbs.)

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