Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Taco Bell and the Human Torch

Totally unrelated subject matters.

The Human Torch, a Marvel staple for over 50 years (and most known to be one of the four in the Fantastic Four), met his demise in Fantastic Four #587. I used to be a comic enthusiast so I am certainly struck by this news. In comics and in cartoons, Johnny Storm (the Human Torch), was always brash and hot-headed and really resounded with me. I had heard rumors that a Fantastic Four member was going to die. He and The Thing were the two that I thought were shoe-ins for "not dying". The Fantastic Four series ends after the next issue and starts back up in a few months after a relaunch.

Totally switching subjects, I read today that Taco Bell is being sued because their "beef" actually contains less than 35% beef. The rest is oats, soy, fillers, spices, and such. My initial thought was, "Did anyone actually think it was 100% beef?" Then I thought to myself, "The oats and soy and junk are probably better for you fatties than the beef is anyway." And then I thought, "Taco Bell beef... YUMMY!" I figured that I could squeeze in 5 Fresco Crunchy Beef Tacos and still make it under my calories and fat for the day. So I squeezed five tacos in my mouth and am very happy. No class-action lawsuit required!

26 of 365 | 12% (6 of 50) | 0 of 128 | 175.49 lbs. (173 lbs.) | 47.92% | 4.726% (8.8 lbs.)

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