Monday, January 3, 2011

Rest in Peace, Kobayashi

Pete Postlehwaite died last night from cancer at the age of 64. He was a talented actor (the best in the world according to Steven Spielberg) but will always be Keyser Soze's lawyer Kobayashi in my heart.

Kobayashi: Get your rest, Gentlemen. The boat will be ready for you on Friday. If I see you or any of your friends before then, Miss Finneran will find herself the victim of a most gruesome violation before she dies. As will your father, Mr. Hockney. And your Uncle Randall in Arizona, Mr. Kint. I might only castrate Mr. McManus's nephew, David. Do I make myself clear?

Kobayashi: One cannot be betrayed if one has no people.

He was one bad mutha. Sorry to hear he passed away.

3 of 365 | 0 of 50 | 0 of 128 | 176 lbs. | 17.18% (good Gawd, that weight has been shooting up!)

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