Sunday, January 9, 2011

Free Showtime Preview Weekend

When not watching wacky football games (Seahawks over Saints?, Jets over Colts!) Jooj and I were enjoying some free SHO this weekend. We watched "Quantum of Solace" yesterday. She watched "Twilight: New Moon" last night. Today we watched "Push" and "Knowing". I don't know when we watched movies like that. I have a basket full of DVDs that I *know* are better than any of those movies and I couldn't convince her to watch one of them - let alone **four** over them over the course of two days.

If I thought that SHO's programming was actually like this I'd subscribe. But I'm sure their schedule isn't quite so loaded with movies during their regular programming. Thanks for the preview SHO, but we'll pass.

9 of 365 | 0 of 50 | 0 of 128 | 177.5 lbs. | 17.18%

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