Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 New Year Resolutions

Here are some ideas I'm kicking around in my head...

1. Pay off the Chase Visa this year.

2. Stay below 175 lbs. I started Biggest Loser last year at 188. I ended at 164. I've since put 10 pounds back on (it took 10 months so it isn't too bad but still a trend I want to reverse).

3. Finish (hell, begin!) work on my comic book idea. It will be a blast putting it together. It will be a huge accomplishment for me (that will more than likely never amount to anything other than points in pride). And Granny would've loved it. I'm thinking of a 4-part mini-series at 32 pages each. Woo... that sounds like a lot. Wish me luck.

4. Paint 50 pieces in 2011. That sounds crazy but I know it's doable. I've painted 100 pieces over the last few years and I've done it at a very leisure pace. If anything, it could get a wee bit expensive. However, I'm going to start off in good shape as I kick off this resolution with six pieces I'm finishing this week.

5? Blog more. I don't really know what that means. I was thinking initially everyday. But that's a lot. And I may even bore myself at that rate. Not sure on that one.

So I've made plenty of resolutions in the past not never amounted to anything. Let's see how we do, shall we?

I'm going to keep track of how we ("we" being me, my future self [hey buddy!], and whomever wants to come along for the ride) are doing by including the following coded footer after each post...

1 of 365 | 0 of 50 | 0 of 128 | 174 lbs. | 17.18%

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