Friday, January 28, 2011

Trip to the ER

Well, got our first trip to the ER of 2011 out of the way today. Julie was suffering horrible abdominal pains and had me take her over there this morning. After a quick 6 hours in the ER we walked out knowing two things: we didn't now *what* it was but it probably wasn't anything life-threatening (does knowing that you don't know count? Maybe we knew one thing then). The grrrl was in pain - for sure. But her blood, urine (all 0.6 pounds of it), and organs after a CT scan all checked out. So while I hate it that she is in discomfort I am very happy that it isn't anything serious.

Now, let's hope this will be our only trip to the ER, family-wide, for the year.

I just calculated my weight and the running average is way off. And since I don't want to recalculate it everyday I'm just going to stop showing the average and go with the daily weigh-in.

28 of 365 | 12% (6 of 50) | 0 of 128 | 172.5 lbs. | 47.92% | 4.726% (8.8 lbs.)

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