Saturday, January 22, 2011

Busy, Busy Day

Day started off with a surprise. I lost 3 pounds overnight somehow. I'm starting to wonder how accurate my scale is. Let out the dogs. Squirted Boba's medicine on his paws. I think they are looking better. Jooj and I made another, unscheduled payment on the credit card (so close to 50%). Went to Quest Outdoors and bought a pair of boots that I could probably wear for the rest of my life. Bought two dog beds for the boys (the cats seem to have adopted them for the moment). Hit up Target. Picked up the TRON: Legacy soundtrack from Daft Punk. Went to Qdoba. Bought some curtains at JC Penny's. Jooj napped while I played video games. We watched Moon and then The Social Network. Had a bit of a dizzy spell for some reason. Now we're watching the season finale of Hoarders. Goddam these fuckers are fucked in the head!

22 of 365 | 12% (6 of 50) | 0 of 128 | 175.83 lbs. (172.5 lbs.) | 47.92% | 4.726% (8.8 lbs.)

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