Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Putting the "Big" in Biggest Loser (and the number 3)

Well, well, well. It's that time of year again and our Biggest Loser competition at work is about to start up. The official weigh-in is Tuesday and that means that yours truly is going to have to pack on a little weight this weekend - not to mention about 5 pounds of water that I'm going to drink Tuesday morning. McD's double cheeseburgers and breakfast burritos, here I come!

So expect that little number in the footer to start going up. But before long you'll start seeing it come down! I'm going to aim to lose 12 pounds over 12 weeks. Wish me luck.

Interesting and totally random side-note... this is my 333rd blog post. Unimaginably coincidentally enough, at one point I looked down at the number of emails in my Inbox at work (something I can't say that I've ever remembered doing) this morning and saw that I had 3333 emails. And I remember thinking to myself, "Holy shit, tonight will be my 333rd blog post too!"

This message (obviously) brought to you by the number 3.

5 of 365 | 0 of 50 | 0 of 128 | 175.5 lbs. | 17.18%

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