Thursday, August 11, 2011

Where is Walking Man?

There are some "regulars" in my neighborhood, if you will. There is Walking Man. There is Sitting Tommy (or is it Tony - I can't remember). There is Plastic Grrrl (and her new companion). There is Running Hippy. There is Killer Terrier. There is Lazy Boxer. There is Walking Weirdo (he's a new addition - FREAK!). I'm starting to notice a new "regular" too... Grands With Stroller (obviously someone's son/daughter is getting free babysitting and that baby is getting walked regularly, let me tell you!).

One of the mainstays was always Walking Man. He is an old man, always in khakis and white sneakers. Sometimes he has a jacket and sometimes he has hat. He loves to smoke while he walks. And boy-o-boy can that man walk. He's a machine! A machine, I tells ya!

But where has Walking Man been all summer? Is he staying in from the heat? Did he move to another neighborhood? Is he walking in the next life?

I don't know. But I kind of miss him :(

100% | 174.69 lbs. (177.6 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 61.01% (223 of 365) | 112/45 lbs.

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