Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Pearls of Wisdom

At my first job out of college I worked with a team of amazing, dynamic characters: Michael, Bernie, and Rufus. During my 4 years there I developed quite a bond with the members of my team. Rufus, in particular, was a good buddy of mine. We played off each other's quirks quite well. During our time together Michael had compiled a list of Rufusisms - a list he referred to as Rufus' Pearls of Wisdom*.

I mention this because I believe three worthy candidates were written today that could have easily lived among the neighboring tidbits of wisdom on the list (sans the profanity as Rufus shot it straight and narrow). I share them below...

"once fucked, one cannot be unfucked" - Eric Brinley

"son, you can't unshit your pants" - Grandpa Debes

"In life, there is no Control+Z" - Brandon Debes

The common theme among them is that in life you've got one shot. One chance. One life. One quarter. Don't fuck it up. If you do, you press on. Period. Because after that you're dead. Game over.

This all reminds me of one little gem my dad would tell me when times got tough...

"Son, life just dealt you a shit sammich. Now you've gotta choke it down." - Papa Brinley

* I wish there was a definitive list of Rufus' Pearls of Wisdom somewhere in the Interwebs. They would, at best, be mildly amusing to the commoner. To me they would bring back of flood memories of humor and good times. I emailed Michael to see if he had a copy and he says that he doesn't (but was JUST thinking about them and has possibly renewed his search).

100% | 174.78 lbs. (176.0 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 64.66% (236 of 365) | 112/45 lbs.

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