Tuesday, August 23, 2011


I ignore personal email for the most part. Long ago (in a galaxy far, far away) I had the personal account of eric@brinley.com. I was younger and so wired into the Interwebs that I actually considered changing my middle name to the @ symbol. But didn't. End of story.

Eventually I gave that email address to the wrong site or some bot crawled and plucked it off my site. Before long I was inundated with spam. So I ignored that address and moved on.

The same thing hasn't necessarily happened to my Gmail account per se. I've just signed up for too much bologna (ah, if only that statement were true... nom nom nom) and my Inbox has been overflowing with unread, unwanted emails. NO MORE!

I saw my Inbox reach 1,234 emails yesterday. I looked at that number and figured it was a sign (probably just coincidence actually) and so I went on a wholesale slash and burn cleanup of the Inbox. I am proud to say that it is down to 144 emails. Now the fun begins.

I must stay diligent and unsubscribe from the junk as it comes in. Woot Daily Digest? Unsubscribed. Snapfish Spectacular Savings? Unsubscribed. Bring it on Walgreens, Entertainment Earth, Big Bad Toy Store, Things From Another World, Best Buy, Preston Art Center, Kentucky Artist Association... you're all gonna burn*!

* and by burn I mean get unsubscribed by me

100% | 174.77 lbs. (176.2 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 64.38% (235 of 365) | 112/45 lbs.

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