Monday, August 29, 2011

Battle: Los Angeles, Dying Routers, and the Balloon Still Flies

My mom gave me balloons for my birfday waaaaaay back on June 28th. There were several latex balloons accompanying a gigantic, mylar Darth Vader balloon. She told me to take them into work and "show them off" to my friends. I did that and tied the bundle to the back of my chair.

Well, here we are two months and a day after that and Darth Vader still flies proudly, looming over me everyday as I sit in my chair. Amazing! If you ever need to find a good balloon in L'ville you should definitely ask Mama Brinley where to go. FOR SURE!

Speaking of Mama Brinley, we came home last night after sharing a great meal over there with the fam. I went through my normal after-work routine and got settled in. The Internet on my computers, as is becoming more and more the case, is acting wonky. So I do the normal troubleshooting routine. My poor laptop can't maintain a connection. It drops and adds every 30 seconds. My gaming machine can't stay connected reliably either. And the machine that is hardwired to the Interwebs has slow, intermittent connectivity. Ruh roh, Raggy! I think my router is dying/dead :(

Unable to play and limited in my surfing (pffft, I need at least 3 computers to surf and do my thing, don't you know?) I decide to watch a movie that Mike lent me - Battle: Los Angeles. I put it into the Alienware and slap on some headphones.

Battle: Los Angeles. It's an intense movie. It's not great, not bad. I liken it to a mash-up of Black Hawk Down meets Cloverfield. The gunfights were up close and personal. The camera was shaky. The aliens were a seemingly unstoppable threat. The movie left me breathless. I was literally worn out after watching it. I would recommend it to most guys I know. For the ladies? Hmm, perhaps. There was just enough character development there to make you shed a tear or two for the soldiers that went down.

100% | 174.78 lbs. (175.2 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 66.03% (241 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

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