Saturday, August 20, 2011

Saturday afternoon
(Using Six Syllables)

At Darkstar Friday night.
Met Micah, Hill, Brandon.
Woke up, not hungover.
Hit the bank, got some cash.
Found out license expired.
Barber gave short haircut.
Went back home, picked up Jooj.
Goodwill first for drop off.
Went inside but no buys.
Shaheen's next to exchange.
Short-sleeved swapped for long-sleeved.
Panera, pressed Cuban.
Good but not worth eight bucks.
Drove out to Middletown.
Spent too much at Target.
Stopped at Goodwill out there.
Picked up some shirts for me.
Drove to Sam's for some stuff.
Walked out under budget.
Mowed front, edged the sidewalk.
(Those five words took three hours)
Showered, tired, and sun-burnt.
Lucky Charms for dinner.
Played games 'til twelve-thirty.
Went to bed and slept hard.

100% | 174.75 lbs. (177.8 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 63.56% (232 of 365) | 112/45 lbs.

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