Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Head Straight

PHEW! Have to get my head on straight today. Started the day off in a funk. Work is tough when you're in a funk. And that held true today.

It was hard to concentrate. Discussions at work didn't really help. I was so distracted. Lunch helped out a little - a good break in the day and a good meal at the regular Wednesday spot, J. Gumbos.

But then after lunch I was *really* thrown off. I just couldn't get my mind focused. I kept thinking of silly things. The mystery of Guanglei Zhang. Blind squirrels finding nuts. Mental defenses (reminds me the Tower of Iron Will and Ego Whip powers from AD&D, 1st Edition days). Brazil. JEEBUS!!! Viva la Mexico!


100% | 174.67 lbs. (176.8 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 60.82% (222 of 365) | 112/45 lbs.

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