Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Intense Dreams != Good Sleep

Three crazy dreams. One night. Sleep was rough. Stomach is sour because of it.

Dream #1 (The Intense Dream) - I was laying on my crappy old futon in my crappy old apartment in the waning days of my 8 years there. It was a time when I knew that the end of one lifestyle was long overdue and the next was on the cusp of beginning. In front of me, also laying, was a grrrl I hadn't met yet in my life. I was dressed in running gear and she was dressed in workout clothes. I don't know exactly what we were doing, watching TV I guess, but there was some electricity between us. The tension was thick and it eventually gave way to caressing and touching - nothing R-rated but definitely very emotionally intense. Suddenly, I jumped up and we started arguing. I awoke with a startle.

Dream #2 (The Absurd Dream) - For whatever reason I was driving around in my mom's mini-van. In the back was (of all people) my ex-wife, a few other grrrls, Corey Haim, and Corey Feldman. I had somehow agreed to do a photo shoot of the ladies in the van (including the ex). The Coreys were my assistants and they were younger versions of themselves, from about the same era as Lost Boys. The photo shoot was supposed to be in the woods but my ex and I were arguing (imagine that) over location and such. The whole time I was thinking about Jooj and how pissed she was going to be that I had even agreed to do this in the first place. Uninspired, frustrated, and looking for any reason to escape this scenario I decided that we all needed to go to breakfast. My ex decided that we should shoot in the greasy spoon diner we ended up at. I was sick of the situation and just wanted out of it. I got the bill for breakfast and was somehow convinced to pay for everyone. I woke with disgust.

(After rereading this paragraph, I tried putting " - please don't ask me why" at the end of every sentence [except the last one] and it really gets across the feeling I had about this dream. Try it on for size - it's fun!)

Dream #3 (The Death Dream) - The dream began with Jooj and me in a larger city - not quite New York but something with tall buildings. A crowd had gathered and was looking skyward. Precariously hanging from the highest window was a man shouting and carrying on. That man, it turns out, was my good friend Scott. The moment I realized it I was frozen in place. He was spouting on about this and that - not really audible speech from my distance. His wife Celia was behind him rooting him on. He tossed out some plaque that tumbled through the air before slamming into the ground dangerously close to me. But I was frozen. I dared not moved. He then took a large trophy-type award from Celia's hands and tossed it as well. It smashed into pieces from that height. Then, either purposefully or accidentally during his rage, he fell from his position. His body plummeted to the ground quickly - so quickly. I was still frozen but managed to close my eyes before impact. Jooj collected me and we walked away from the scene. Somehow we were then walking through a college dorm. I sneered at the students as if they were somehow responsible for Scott's death. We walked outside and there was snow and ice on the ground. We started walking through a parking lot. I slipped on ice but caught myself before I fell. Angrily I threw my keys. Some hippy kid picked them up and I waved at him. Then I saw our mutual friend Sam and I just started crying, burying my face in his puffy black jacket. I woke.

I'm not sure what was going through my head last night. Anxiety I suppose. Maybe I'm worried about Jooj's father and his procedure today. Maybe I'm worried about the kids starting school. I'm certain I'm not portending things to come. In any case, I think I may drop my friend Scott a quick email and see how he's doing.

100% | 174.72 lbs. (178.2 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 62.47% (228 of 365) | 112/45 lbs.

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