Sunday, August 21, 2011

Running in Tom Sawyer

Jooj has needed a running partner for as long as we've been together. I used to run cross country but absolutely abhor running now. But, being the good husband and knowing that I am more than capable of running, I have volunteered to run with her. I bought some new outfits and new shoes and guess what? I'm a runner now.

We've been running around the neighborhood pretty regularly the last two weeks. I haven't measured any of the distances we've run but it feels like 2 or 3 miles most days. There are plenty of routes to take (thanks for kick-ass sidewalks and semi-sylvan scenery, Plasticville) so we are lucky that walking out our front door is all we need to do to get a good little run in us.

However, for a change of pace, we decided this morning to try out Tom Sawyer park. I vaguely remembered the track as being a pounded, compact gravel. Jooj was hoping it was paved (it wasn't). We Google-mapped it and found the Fitness Loop marked pretty clearly. So we hopped in the car and drove over.

The loop was easy to find. We started running counter-clockwise. The park was nice as we jogged, weaving through a turn or two on the track. Then we hit an unmarked four-way intersection. I chose to take us sharply right. The track narrowed. And soon there were no other walkers or joggers in sight. We kept running though. We came upon a small parking lot. We ran through it. Then the track turned into an actual trail - a dirt pathway going through the woods. We reluctantly kept running. After a short while we came out back onto the crushed gravel track. But then we came out next to a long building. The track turned into a road. We turned back onto the track after we saw it. But then it stopped. And we were running in a field. We hit the track again. After getting our bearings we finished the loop we originally started.

I'm not sure how far we run or even how much we ran on actual track. I highly doubt that the way we took is an orthodox method of running at Tom Sawyer. We maybe should hook up with someone who is familiar with the park before trying that again.

100% | 174.76 lbs. (177.2 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 63.84% (233 of 365) | 112/45 lbs.

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