Saturday, October 8, 2011

This time last week...

... my gut pain, after diminishing a bit in the morning, was cranking up to unbearable levels.

Wow. It's been a whole week since the Gallbladder Project began (my boss Eddie joked earlier this week that I didn't need to worry about the work being done in Oil IT and instead needed to focus my efforts on the Gallbladder Project... funny man). Time has simultaneously flown and crawled as I've struggled with boredom and play, all medically pain-free.

And do you know why I haven't had to worry about my day-to-day responsibilities and have had all of the necessary resources to focus on laying the fuck down (doctor's orders)? Jooj. She's been a super woman this week. She's stepped up like I never would have asked her. In my absence she's been Will's taxi driver, the zoo keeper, the errand runner, the garbage (wo)man, the gas fill-'er-up-er, and everything else that I normally do. She's done all this and *still* has made time to do what *she* normally does. And on top of that, she's been a pretty fantastic nurse (nothing kinky, you perverts!).

I've had the doctor call in another sortie of pain meds and Jooj says that Tuesday is the earliest she'll allow me back into the office. I drove a bit this morning and rode in the car a little after that. It pretty much wiped me out. So I suppose I'm not ready for the real world yet.

92.1% | 174.48 lbs. (169.6 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 76.99% (281 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

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