Sunday, October 2, 2011

I lost something while I slept

I took a nap this morning and woke up with something missing. My gallbladder!

Yep, fatty here is 2 oz. to 2.3 oz. lighter thanks to the kind Dr. Whitely and his staff. The nurses came to my room around 10:45am and I was back in my room, enjoying my first meal in 26 hours, watching the 1st quarter of the early football games a little after 1pm.

I'm moving around. I've peed. I feel pretty good. I just told (the lovely) Monica that I think I'd like to start the discharge process so I can come home to my fam (especially my ever-loving wife... who is beaming laser beams at me after reading what I just wrote about [the lovely] Monica).

Funny thing. A social worker came in to verify some information. When she walked in Jooj was nestled in bed with me. After asking for my personal information she then needed to verify my wife's.  She turned to Jooj and timidly asked, "Are you his wife?"

I guess she had to ask just to be sure. But how awkward would it have been had I said that she wasn't? Teehee!

92.1% | 174.53 lbs. (???.? lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 75.34% (275 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

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