Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Popped Stitches, FFL, Pills, Warlords IV, Multi-Cultural Colored Pencils, Meatballs, Steve Jobs, South Park

I slept in today. Still in pain. I guess I am the only person surprised by this. I don't know why I thought I'd just bounce back from surgery as if nothing serious had just happened. I need to get it through my head that I went through a pretty big deal this weekend. And I'm not just going to jump out of bed and be back on my feet.

Anyway, I got the morning off with some yogurt and granola and three crackers. While in the kitchen I thought I would help out by putting the dishes away. I got two plates into the chore when I felt a sharp pain in my belly after bending over. It burned and I just stood still. The pain subsided. I bruised up quite nicely afterward over and under my belly button. Called the doctor. They said that I likely popped a stitch. They said not to worry about it but to LAY THE FUCK DOWN.

Next up I checked on my FFL teams, the Wyld Stallyns (4-0) and L'ville Gunners (2-2). Waivers were processed and things turned out the way I wanted them to. I feel great about the Stallyns. Wish I felt better about the Gunners. Both teams are heading into a tough matchup this week. Is it nearly the weekend already? Sheesh!

By this point in the morning the pain meds are kicking in. Sweet bliss. I decided to only take one pill at a time. I don't want to burn through them too fast. And I don't want to find myself craving more when I do finish them. Besides, one should do it at this point.

Besides laying about and watching movies and TV I've been playing an old video game fave, Warlords IV. I don't want to play any modern video game and get all worked up. But Warlords IV is like a big ass board game, to be played at a leisure pace with time spent on strategy rather than madly clicking. Not as clumsy or as random as a shooter, but an elegant game for a more civilized age (subtle Star Wars reference... muwahahaha!)

Got a random email from a buddy at work. It was a picture of a pack of Multi-Cultural Colored Pencils on the shelf. Now the non-white kids can illustrate their ethnicity too. SMH.

Had meatballs, egg noodles, and green beans for dinner. One or many of those items did not agree with me. My stomach is still rumblin'-stumblin'-bumblin'. I may take another Protonix until my poor stummy settles.

Just found out that Steve Jobs passed away today. He'd been sick, waging an unsuccessful battle against cancer. He is as much responsible for my career choice as any other peer of mine out there. It is a sad day.

Lastly, the night ended with the new season of South Park beginning. It was a funny episode. Stan was mistakenly diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome after being inoculated for the flu. That's funny all on its own. But Cartman thought the disease was called Ass Burgers. Suffice to say, hilarity ensued.

92.1% | 174.53 lbs. (173.6 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 76.16% (278 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

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