Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Fell asleep at the wheel today

So if there were still any doubts I had about me missing anymore work they were squelched. I'm not ready to return - period. After a morning appointment with the dentist for a cleaning (2 cavities - grrrr!) I headed over to mom and dad's for breakfast with Babuke. I ate and sat for about 1/2 an hour. I was feeling a bit wiped out so I headed home. On the way, while stopped at a traffic light, I feel asleep. I woke to a green light, no cars in front of me, the car behind me honking their horn. OH JEEBUS!

I made it home and went right to bed, where I slept for 5 hours. I woke but didn't feel awake for the rest of the day.

I guess I'll be missing at least Wednesday, suffice to say.

92.1% | 174.44 lbs. (169.4 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 77.81% (284 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

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