Sunday, April 10, 2011

Post 100 in 2011

Unless I cheated somewhere (admittedly I have fudged some days along the way) this is my 100th post of 2011 and should also represent the 100th day of the year. I am too lazy to check so I'll go off my assumption.

I'm going to take this opportunity to recap progress (or lack thereof) on my New Year resolutions.

1. Pay off the Chase Visa this year.

We started the year off with that sucker at 83% charged to the limit, leaving only 17% "paid off" (my logic is weird there but it makes sense). Jooj and I have made some cuts, curbed some spending, and made moves to pay off 95.88% of the balance so far. Unless some financial crisis hits us next week we are going to make the final payment on Friday. I am very proud of us.

2. Stay below 175 lbs. I started Biggest Loser last year at 188. I ended at 164. I've since put 10 pounds back on (it took 10 months so it isn't too bad but still a trend I want to reverse).

I've altered my diet to make this happen. But I've been fluctuating lately. I believe I need to balance my diet with exercise, which I have not done as well as I could. The warm weather will allow me to skate in the mornings before work. And I'm playing soccer Tuesday nights. I would not only like to see that weight stay below 175 but would rather it hover closer to 170. I'd be a pretty lean machine then. Besides, Biggest Loser ends this week so we'll see how it all pans out.

3. Finish (hell, begin!) work on my comic book idea. It will be a blast putting it together. It will be a huge accomplishment for me (that will more than likely never amount to anything other than points in pride). And Granny would've loved it. I'm thinking of a 4-part mini-series at 32 pages each. Woo... that sounds like a lot. Wish me luck.

For whatever reason this hasn't even begun. Maybe it never will. Maybe it's a pipe dream. I don't want to be "that guy" that talks the talk without walking the walk. I've talked about this comic book idea for years. I've already done two. I know I can do it. I just have to get off my ass and **do** it.

4. Paint 50 pieces in 2011. That sounds crazy but I know it's doable. I've painted 100 pieces over the last few years and I've done it at a very leisure pace. If anything, it could get a wee bit expensive. However, I'm going to start off in good shape as I kick off this resolution with six pieces I'm finishing this week.

I started with good intentions. But I've fallen off. This isn't done yet. I still feel pretty good about it. I just haven't been in the mood to paint for whatever reason. Commissions have dried up. Maybe that has something to do with it. I always work best when I'm juggling projects.

5? Blog more. I don't really know what that means. I was thinking initially everyday. But that's a lot. And I may even bore myself at that rate. Not sure on that one.

Big check. This is one I thought would waiver off pretty quickly. But no, it hasn't and it's been quite fun.

I'm rearranging my footer to better match the original order of my resolutions. I'm tacking the Biggest Loser number on the end but it will be coming off this week.

95.88% | 176 lbs. | 0% (0 of 128) | 14% (7 of 50) | 27.40% (100 of 365) | 3.756% (7 lbs.)

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