Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Guns, nickels, Battlefront, and the ol' gang

What a day! It started off with me being late to an "appointment" (more on that later perhaps). Why was I late? I had to take an alternative route because A CAR CRASHED INTO A LOCAL GUN STORE IN AN ATTEMPT TO ROB IT. You read that in capital letters correctly. How bogus is that?

(Did I just use the word bogus? TOTALLY BOGUS!)

Later in the day, after rummaging through my pocket full of two nickels (had to pay the meter for my "appointment" that I may or may not mention again), I pulled out my coinage and noticed one of them wasn't even a real nickel. Or was it? The face looked like Jefferson but it was funky. Did we get a new nickel? We must have. I looked to see when it was minted...


Really? It's been that long since I've carried a nickel? Wow. I used to let people keep the change. And then got married and just threw spare change into a change bowl. How can something like that get by me? I notice the tiniest details... just miss the most obvious ones sometimes (I'm thinking about your haircuts, Jooj!!!).

Soooooo, ye ol' rumor mill is cranking up again regarding Star Wars: Battlefront 3 game development. LucasArts made a multi-game deal with Epic Games to use their Unreal 3 game engine for an undisclosed number of titles. At the top of my "want" list would be, of course, Star Wars: Battlefront 3. A close second would be Star Wars: Republic Commando 2. Fuck any Jedi games. I want clonetrooper and stormtrooper action!

Lastly, the new soccer session started tonight and it was quite a pleasure to see two old faces - Ricardo and Tony. The old team (which dominated back in the day) is almost back together again. And it showed. We played a very good team and demolished them 8-4 (two goals were deflections that I could've saved had they not been). It felt good to win so well again.

As for that "appointment"... hmm...

100% | 174.5 lbs. | 0% (0 of 128) | 14% (7 of 50) | 31.78% (116 of 365) | 6.444% (12 lbs.)

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