Friday, March 18, 2011

Worst. Picks. EVAR!

I'm pissed. And I'm not.

I threw down some cash to participate in my work's NCAA Random Pick Pool. The rules are simple. You get 4 random teams. You get points for how far each team goes. In the end, the person with the most points wins.

They did it last year and it seemed fun. I remember they had to redraw and inject the rule that each person is guaranteed a top 4 pick. So my random picks are...

BYU, Marquette, Hampton, and UTSA / Alabama St.

Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot?!?

So I got #3, #11, #16, and #16? And the #3 lost their best player 'cause he slept around with a grrrl before the tournament? I should cry foul but I guess that's what the word "random" means.

If I don't score the lowest points possible I'll be penultimately surprised.

77 of 365 | 12% (6 of 50) | 0 of 128 | 173 lbs. | 95.88% | 5.371% (10 lbs.)

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