Monday, March 14, 2011

New Socket Wrench and Bow Saw (400th post!!!)

My old socket wrench went with the Jeep. The hand saw of Jooj's has been around in her life longer than I have (and helped take down a tree among other things) so it was time for a replacement. I headed over to Lowe's and picked up a handy little bow saw. After perusing the 227-piece, 129-piece, 40-piece, 24-piece, 20-piece, I-don't-care-how-many-pieces-piece sets I just snatched a socket wrench and the 1/2" socket I needed.

Why devote a blog entry to the tools I bought? Well, I'll tell you why (soapbox time).

What are we without our tools? I mean, I know we have opposable thumbs and self-awareness, but what can that really get us in the long-run. We as humans have done some cool things: fire, the wheel, industrialism, the internal combustion engine, the silicon microchip, mini-skirts. But what are all of these things? That's right. Tools. They are all tools. They are just different tools that we put into the tool belt of the human race.

(Steps off of soapbox.)

So yeah, I picked up some new tools.

72 of 365 | 12% (6 of 50) | 0 of 128 | 173 lbs. | 95.88% | 4.834% (9 lbs.)

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