Thursday, March 10, 2011

My new crack*

City of Heroes has been my crack* for nearly three years. Sure, I've sampled other crack* along the way. Sins of a Solar Empire was my crack* for a while. Spore was my crack* for a while after that. GalCiv 2 was my crack* for a long time before City of Heroes and it was good crack*. And Warlords IV was my super crack* before all of that - and one which I still partake in from time to time. Masters of Orion 2 was some of the longest and oldest crack* which predated all of them. But move over old cracks*, I've found something crackier!

Elemental: War of Magic is the new crack*. You see, I'm a sucker for turn-based strategies. MOO2, Warlords IV, and GalCiv 2 were all turn-based - and they were crackilicious. Sins was a hybrid between turn-based and real-time strategy, so it was pretty crack-a-lackin'. But Elemental takes turn-based and mixes it with fantasy - much like my beloved Warlords IV - but adds tactical combat and a ton more depth. I have only started this new crack* but can tell that I'm going to be hooked for a long while.

* "Crack" refers to my video game of choice. What do you think I am? Some kind of dope fiend? Sheesh!

69 of 365 | 12% (6 of 50) | 0 of 128 | 171 lbs. | 95.88% | 4.834% (9 lbs.)

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