Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Darth Vader, Single Spaces, Ambien, FFL, and Kels

Remember back on August 29th when I mentioned, among other things, that my mom bought me a mylar Darth Vader balloon? And do you remember when I blogged that day that, after 2 months, it was still floating above my head.  Well, make that three months. Seriously, you need a balloon, ask me. For serious.

Also, remember when I declared that I was never going to follow a period with two spaces ever again? Well, as it turns out, that has been a much easier habit to break than I ever would have imagined.

At my wife's suggestion I took an Ambien last night to help my spotty sleeping. After taking it she warned that I had about 15 minutes. Well, about 20 minutes later I didn't really feel anything... until I stood up. Whoah, bed time! Oddly enough though I kept waking up last night. So I supposed it didn't work. But then it came time to get up this morning. And that's when I noticed the effects. It took me forever to rally myself out of bed. And I had medicine head all morning. So no thank you, Ambien. Gawd gave me gift of falling asleep quickly and sleeping hard. I guess I'll work with what I've got and not mess with it.

Fantasy Football started - three weeks in. The Wyld Stallyns in the Genscape League are 3-0. The L'ville Gunners in the GE League are 1-2. One of those teams I'm very proud of.

Lastly, Kels is home for Fall Break. She came over for dinner tonight. I'd love to pretend that I'll see her more than that but I doubt it. Still love her!

92.1% | 174.56 lbs. (171.8 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 74.25% (271 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

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