Monday, September 19, 2011


vom·it [vom-it]

verb (used without object)
1. to eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth; regurgitate; throw up.
2. to belch or spew with force or violence.
3. to eject from the stomach through the mouth; spew.
4. to cast out or eject as if in vomiting; send out forcefully or violently: The volcano vomited flames and molten rock.
5. to cause (a person) to vomit.
Synonyms: be seasick, be sick, bring up*, dry heave, eject, emit, expel, gag, heave, hurl, puke, regurgitate, retch, ruminate, spew, spit up, throw up, upchuck
Antonyms: none

(I feel as if I may at any moment and the first step out of bed this morning was in it [of the feline variety].)

92.1% | 174.68 lbs. (173.0 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 71.78% (262 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

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