Thursday, September 8, 2011


I'm not sure what's going on with me. I am in a perpetually foul mood. I have no problem admitting it. I don't know what to do. I'm not sure I can pinpoint what the problem is either. I mean, the problem has everything to do with me. But what is setting me off?

Work has been very tough and that is wearing me down. This is no secret. I work in a somewhat hostile situation. Emotions run high. Tempers flair. I put in 10-hour work days every other week. I feel like I have no choice but to be there everyday. I need a day off. I need to take a mental health day.

Jooj and I have been after each other. I've been on her nerves. She's been on my nerves. We simply need to enjoy a good night together. And we need to be nicer to each other, period.

Jooj just came downstairs and started the conversation by yelling at me. Awesome.

87.3% | 174.78 lbs. (175.2 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 68.77% (251 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

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