Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Kelsey's Big News and Dinner With the In-Laws

Got some great news from Kels today. She got the cartoonist job for the paper (kind of)! They currently have two "mediocre" cartoonists (their words, not hers) so they want her to create weekly three-panel strips to be published online. I believe I heard her correctly when she told me that the plan was to allow her to build up her stable of strips and then, more or less, "squeeze" the current cartoonist(s) out of their job. Sounds so exciting! I can't say enough that I am so proud of her!!!

Later I met up with the in-laws at Corner Cafe. I'll be honest. I don't like Corner Cafe. But the company, as always, was great. And the food actually was good. I ordered the Gyro with the pasta salad. Not bad at all. In fact, I ate the entire thing!

Probably won't be good for me tomorrow for my weigh-in...

87.3% | 174.78 lbs. (174.6 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 68.22% (249 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

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