Friday, September 30, 2011

"Oh my Gawd, that's Kelsey!!!"

Jooj and I were on our way to Vian's birfday party Friday night. We were on the expressway, I-64, heading west towards the Watterson. Traffic had slowed - typical for that stretch as new traffic patterns had introduced a treacherous bit of highway. Multiple car wrecks are unfortunately common for that segment.

I saw the blue/red flashing of a police cruiser up ahead and figured it was either a wreck or a traffic stop. As we drew near it appeared to have been yet another accident. As we passed, Jooj exclaimed:

"Oh my Gawd, that's Kelsey!!!"

Son of a... I yanked over and pulled into the emergency lane. I reversed until we were close to the accident scene. I don't know if I didn't want to believe Jooj or just flat out didn't. But my heart sank when I saw Kels' blond head in my rearview.

She was okay. All of the participants were okay. It was a four-car accident. Kels was the third in line. The back car slammed into her, pushed her into the car in front of her, and pushed that car into car in front of them. Her trunk was heavily damaged. Her hood and possibly her engine were also heavily damaged. The car looked terrible. They may possibly total it.

So she's upset but she is alive and breathing. I tell you, it was not fun going through that. As her step-father I felt shear terror thinking that she had been injured. Love ya, Kels!

92.1% | 174.54 lbs. (172.2 lbs.) | 16% (8 of 50) | 74.79% (273 of 365) | 102/55 lbs.

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