Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Look at all of the numbers change!

Weighed in today lighter this morning than I have all year at 171 lbs.

I took that low weight to the scale at work and weighed in a slim 173.6 lbs. That's 12.6 pounds lost for a total of 6.767% lost so far!

We made a substantial payment on the Visa this morning - over 33% of the balance and nearly 20% of the total credit available. That jumped the amount paid off so far up to 66.11%! I have another payment of the same amount planned for the same day I get the federal tax return back - which should be soonish. It's going to be a good month.

And with any luck, the Alien will have landed by the time I leave work tonight.

Lastly, it bears mentioning that Dad, and all of the other firefighters in his group, "wins the lottery" tomorrow. That should be exciting. We should even go to Red Lobster or the Ponderosa to celebrate :P Yee-haw!!!

46 of 365 | 12% (6 of 50) | 0 of 128 | 171 lbs. | 66.11% | 6.767% (12.6 lbs.)

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