Monday, November 29, 2010

Me vs. Tree

Well, I'll get right to the important stuff. I survived. The tree did not (actually, the tree was already dead so I should technically say that I am the last one standing).

I spent the weekend taking down the poor evergreen in the corner of my lot that never recovered after losing so many branches in the ice storm. Home Depot was gracious enough to let me ruin rent two Makita 20" chainsaws to get the job done. I took my time. I respected the chainsaw. I calculated how the tree was going to fall. And that son of a bitch fell perfectly.

The only mishap I suffered (besides the fact that the whole operation took a butt load more time than I had anticipated and whipped my ass into a new level of pain experience - this reminds me of "Heuser hurting" but takes it up even another notch) was a moment when the damn trunk of the tree, already defeated and laying on its side, decided to roll off the severed stump while I was cutting some limbs. The damn thing took me down - chainsaw in hand. It should have pinned me. It should have broken my leg. The still-running chainsaw should have really fucked me up. I guess it was the tree's last "Fuck You!" for taking it down (mind you, this is the same tree that Will fell out of a few summers back so I already had a bone to pick with it).

But I was fine. I turned the chainsaw off. Most important. Only slightly secondly most important was to find out if anyone saw my dumb ass. They had not. Whew! Next was to check if the leg was broken. It was not. It hurt - and still hurts - but it was alright. Next was to shimmy out of there and pretend like nothing ever happened.

So besides some sticks in the yard, some larger trunk pieces around the stump, and a ton of sawdust everything is just about taken care of. I've stashed the wood to be used in future fires. Will helped me get the loose branches off the lawn before the rain hit tonight. He also filled three buckets with smaller branches for future fire-starting. We'll need to make a run to the city lawn waste place (can't remember the name of it) but after that it is done.

(Don't even ask me about pulling the stump... I have NO CLUE!)

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