Monday, November 1, 2010

The Walking Dead, Toy Bowl, Soccer, and WTF happened with Randy Moss?!?

Will and I just finished watching AMC's new series (only 6 episodes? Boo!) The Walking Dead. Whoah! That was pretty intense. I am truly impressed and think that I've found the first show to truly *engage* me since SyFy's Battlestar Galactica. Yes, I am a zombie lover and yes, that may make me biased. But please believe me when I say that this show seems to have some real potential. I hope Jooj's dad watched it. He always asks me about shows I don't watch and I would love to talk this one over with him. I can't wait to watch it again with Jooj and Kelsey! And I am really looking forward to next week's episode.

Guess what? The St. Agnes Saints won the semi-finals and are heading to the Toy Bowl this weekend! Woohoo! We're excited for him and hope everyone can come out and watch Will and his team (hopefully) win the whole thing.

Tonight was the first night I played as keeper in indoor soccer in nearly three years. I still had my moves but my hands were a little rusty. I had some great saves. But I also had some blown saves. We won 14-5 so I suppose no one can complain. I'm really looking forward to this session. I've longed to play soccer since watching the World Cup this summer.

Lastly, WTF happened? Randy Moss dropped by the Vikings? Seriously? I don't understand. He's open on waivers for the next 24 hours. If anyone picks him up during that time they are responsible for paying him. But if not, the Vikings are stuck with the bill. Now check this out... if nobody picks him up, the Patriots can sign him back, offer him the league minimum, the Vikings are stuck with the bill, the Patriots still have their 3rd round pick, and the Vikings are out a receiver. Fuck. Is it too early to think that the Viking season is over?

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