Friday, March 19, 2010

Ticking Time Bomb

I started the Heuser Clinic this week and, while I am hurting from the intense workouts, I must say that I am pleased to be able to get into the workout rhythm so effortlessly. I am sore, but I'm not dying. My first day was Monday and it was horrible. My second day was Wednesday and it wasn't that bad at all... and I really pushed myself.

My trainer is a guy by the name of Jonathan and he is really cool. He pushes me but also keeps me laughing. In fact, he even has a nickname for me - "Ticking Time Bomb". He calls me that because my heart monitor starts sounding alarms every time I push my heart rate passed the mid-160s.

I was talking with Mike today about Heuser and he wants to go when I do. I said sure. We talked a bit more about it and I mentioned the Ticking Time Bomb nickname. He instantly knew what I was talking about and said that Jonathan had even mentioned me. Hahahahahaha!

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