Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sins of a Solar Empire

Back in 2008, a video game came out (from Stardock, one of my favorite publishers) titled Sins of a Solar Empire. It was touted as a hybrid between an RTS (Real-time Strategy) game and a 4X (Explore. Expand. Exploit. Exterminate.) game - the first RT4X. It takes place in space across many planets and has elements of both types of game (more RTS than 4X). It received numerous game of the year awards. And it is very fun to play.

But as it goes, I played it and then moved onto another game. That's just the way it goes really. The game City of Heroes has been my poison of choice for over a year - easily the longest run of any game. But I'm losing a bit of interest in it and may be looking for a new game, if only temporarily.

So I've dusted off Sins of a Solar Empire and played it for about 30 minutes. It starts out slow, but I'm really excited to get back into it.

There is the chance, as I mentioned in my last post, for me to provide some graphics work for an update to an older game, Warlords IV (an old-school 4X). And I'm pretty excited about that. I need to get a move-on!

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