Saturday, August 29, 2009

One of those days...

Mom called roughly around 8AM this morning. The dogs had already woken me at 6:17AM (it's the weekend, guys!) so I was up. She was upset. Cubby, one of the family cats, was seriously ill. Dad is out of town. Her vet wasn't in the office. She couldn't get him in the carrier. There was blood and shit all over the house. She started crying. I told her that I was on my way.

What transpired over the next 2 hours is between Cubby and me, period. There are going to be different versions of what happened. There will be a version for the grandkids. There is the version that I told mom. There is the version that I told Jooj. But what went down... well, what happened happened and Cubby is no longer with us. I loved that cat and remember when he was just a little kitty from the litter from the alley cat, Mama, in dad's garage. I buried him next to Pablo, dad's old alley cat that died from FIV. I will miss him but I am glad to know that he will not have to suffer any longer.

I came home and Jooj checked the mail. There was a particular letter that I've been waiting for... Commonwealth of Kentucky v. NoShow. We opened it up and... I WIN!!!! I'd tell ya what it was for but since it never happened I don't know what you are talking about.

Later in the day I was feeding the fish in the pond and noticed some new "additions". I guess we've had some fish getting busy because we have at least four new little fish. One is a straight up goldfish. One is speckled white and black. Two are very dark in color. There may be more but that is what I saw. They are so tiny and cute. Cool!

So yeah, totally circle of life today with a little judicial spice for flavor.

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