Sunday, August 9, 2009

Enjoying my "unexpected vacation"

Last night was the St. Joseph's orphan's picnic. Man-o-man, those Catholics know how to throw a party... I already knew that. And their summer picnics are events not to missed... this has been well established as well. And finally, out of all of their summer picnic affairs, St. Joseph's orphan's picnic is the biggest and best to be had.

I was a bit bummed to hear that Jooj's parents weren't going to be there. But it was a little too hot for them and that was a pretty good reason to stay home. We also heard that her sister, Susu, wasn't going to be there either. What?! Susu and Jim miss this? Blasphemy! I just knew they would show.

We started off at mom and dad's. My sis and bro-in-law were there along with little Emma. We hung out for a bit as I quietly proceeded to pound beers. They left and the four of us were on our way. The fish sandwiches were good and the fries were crisp and salty. But the bratwursts were on fire! They were so good. If I remember correctly (and maybe I don't, I must admit) I ate two of those bad boys over the course of the night.

Pat and Patrick showed up shortly after we found a spot on a bench (Mimi would be proud). A short while later Susu, Jim, and the newly anointed Margeux (sounds so mysterious and French, oui?) arrived. Beers were buzzing and conversations were going down (er, maybe the other way around... maybe :) The times were good and the heat was easy to ignore with all of the good vibes. Cute little Caroline even showed up (although quickly flitted off with the other youngin's).

I stopped drinking after a while in an attempt to sober up enough to drive home. But I was much too far into my drinking endeavor to pull that off. We walked to mom and dad's and Jooj took the wheel. We arrived safely and I promptly went to bed... another happy, successful, fun-filled picnic beneath our belts :D

As for the layoff, I've taken the news of it rather well. My boss and the HR rep seemed sincerely upset to let me go and I really can't complain about any part of the process. These things happen I suppose. And I've been keeping myself busy since I received word of my unexpected vacation. That's how I'm looking at it, by the way - an unexpected, extended vacation. Now I will have time to finish the pieces for Toast on Market in New Albany, finish the pieces for Kentucky Center for the Arts, work on those icons for that patch to that video game I've been playing for years (Warlords IV), and the list goes on.

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