Friday, August 21, 2009

Officially on the Verge of Freak Out

I have 4 pieces due by Thursday at the Kentucky Center for the Arts and I'm reaching crunch time. To make matters worse two of the pieces had to be taken off their frames due to warping of the wood. I restretched one of the pieces tonight and I don't like it. The wood is warping on two sides. And I ripped some canvas along the back edges... so doing it again may be out of the question.

Best case scenario: We can mend the braces on the newly stretched piece and salvage it. I successfully stretch the other piece onto a new frame. Move forward at break-neck speed.

Worst case scenario: Messing with the braces doesn't fix the problem. Stretching the other canvas onto the new frame doesn't work either. Two more frames must be built. And then stretched. AND THEN totally repainted. AND THEN NOSHOW GOES BAT-SHIT-FREAK-OUT CRAZY!!!

We'll find out more tomorrow...

1 comment:

Pat said...

It will work out, you are long over due to getting a break from this crazy world.
