Saturday, August 15, 2009

Marley Died (and other news)

Marley, the infant bearded dragon and newest addition to the family, passed away this afternoon. Will was devastated. Hell, I'm pretty upset too. We buried her in a private ceremony attended by Will and myself, along with Boba and Jack.

In other news...

* My monthly COBRA payment is too high. And to be covered by Jooj is even higher. So I set out to obtain my own personal insurance coverage... and it got denied!!! I'm seeing my doctor on Wednesday to check my cholesterol and straighten out those underwriters!

* I've decided to keep the Jeep and not trade her in for the cash for clunkers program. The fuel line (it turned out to be a 2 inch part instead of the tank or the fuel pump) was fixed and she's going in tomorrow to get that muffler looked at (i.e. "quit down").

* Watched Repo: The Genetic Opera with Kels tonight. Meh, it was alright. It was an awesome story. And the opera angle was very cool. But my point to Kelsey, as to why I didn't like it, was that if you are going to make a movie that is an opera then hire opera singers - not movie stars.

* Going to go see District 9 with the fam tomorrow. I am so stoked. The hype behind this movie is leaving me literally salivating :)

* I'm pretty psyched about my FFL team and am shocked I haven't posted about it. That may be remedied soon...

* I couldn't tell you what I've been doing the last week. I've been busy but I don't know how. Jooj asked me one day, "what did you do all day?", and I couldn't tell her. Time flies by. When I put my mind to it I can get stuff done. But when I'm off-task, like reading articles or playing video games (or blogging), I can waste the day away without even batting an eye.

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