Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Nearing the end... UPDATED x 5

Physically I'm creaky and sore. Mentally I'm a little scattered. Physiologically, well, I simply don't feel "right". I've been living off of hourly handfuls of peanuts and cashews and washing them down with Mountain Dews. However, progress was made yesterday and I have a plan to finish today. I was thrown off my schedule a bit because I had to go pick up Kelsey from school after she threw up. And I also hit a snafu with the foreground for the Opera piece. But I'll make up for it all today.

Orchestra - Foreground complete; need to finish borders and that's it
Ballet - The ballerina is done (and she looks marvelous); must finish rest of it; paint borders
Opera - No progress from yesterday; instead of brown foreground going with Red Oxide, a brick red
Theater - Traced; Dracula should go quickly and smoothly

My plan is to have all of them finished tonight and ready for delivery in the morning tomorrow. I'm going to start today by painting the edges of each piece and giving them 24 hours to dry.

Whew. Hear I go...

UPDATE #1 - It's 10:11 AM and the borders are done. I'm moving onto Dracula now. I hope to have him done by noon. Black is very easy and quick to apply and he has some of the biggest (i.e. least detailed) shapes that make up his foreground. My plan is then to move onto the ballerina and finish her before 3PM. I'm also relying on the power of old skool rap to get me through the day. I just listed to Redman's Muddy Waters and am now moving onto The Wu-tang Clan's first album. But first, let me grab some nuts...

UPDATE #2 - It's 3:35PM and Dracula is done. It took me longer than I had expected. During the last 6 hours my bro-in-law brought me some paint and I've listened to Wu-tang Clan nonstop. I think I'm starting to overdose on Mountain Dew at this point. But I must persist. Every time I stop to do something my body starts relaxing like it's "quitting time" - and then I have to start moving again.

UPDATE #3 - It's 5:15PM and I have to take a break for dinner. A good majority of the wall and about a third of the floor is done on the Ballet piece. The intricate gate behind her will prove troublesome but I have the gusto to push through it. More to do after dinner...

UPDATE #4 - It's 8:58PM and the Ballet piece is done. My hands are both cramping - my left palm from holding my paint bowl and my right fingers from holding the brush. My stomach feels weird. My scalp feels itchy. I keep hearing faint voices yelling my name. I'm really starting to fall apart but I'm going to dig in and start/finish the opera piece. Since each piece is taking me between 4 to 6 hours I hope to be done with it around 3AMish. It's been a looong day.

UPDATE #5 - It's 5:14AM. I'm done. I'm going to go to sleep for 90 minutes and then start the day :(


Pat said...

Go Eric, Go Eric. Keep it up, As Warren Zevon said" You can sleep when your dead".

Good Luck

DeadBrinley said...

Thanks man! I drop them off today at noon. Then I pick up the kids from school. After that, I think I'm going to sleep 'til next Tuesday.